
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Its March!

I cannot believe it is already March!  Did you guys watch the Academy Awards?  Awesome.  Although I wanted Inception to win best picture, because lets be honest, it was the best picture of the year.  There were  so many beautiful people there as well.  My favorite this year...? Halle Berry.  She looked stunning, and even though I would never wear this dress, she just looked absolutely beautiful.  

I also thoroughly enjoyed the "musical" section of the awards, didn't you?  If you didn't see it, don't worry I have got it right here for your enjoyment.  I especially enjoyed the beginning and the end.

There are so many things I want to post in this post I just don't even know how to tie them together. So, sorry is this is going to be all over the place.

Want to know two shows that I have recently become obsessed with?  
Pretty Little Liars is one of them.  Well ok, I have been obsessed with this one for awhile and I watch it every single week, I don't miss it.  Its almost as bad as GLEE, but not quite there.  What about it makes me keep watching it, even though it is so completely corny?  It keeps you hanging Every.Single.Week. It is so addictive!

Plus, the guys in it aren't that terrible either...

The other show, that I am VERY recently obsessed with... psych
What?  You don't know what show Im talking about? Thats terrible.  Its only one of the funniest shows I ever seen.  Im already finished with the first season and no, I am not going to say when I started watching parents might kill me, but then I would tell them that I just got an A on a test, so then they would get over the fact that I have watched an entire season of a show in less than a week 
such a short amount of time...(and hopefully Kakamoe wont get on to me about that run-on sentence) Anyways, if you haven't seen it, I assure you, you will enjoy it. Yes mom, I am talking to you.

Only the two funniest,

One thing that I tried this weekend for the first time (Mom and Dad, don't judge, I promise this wont be a weekly occurrence, just bi-weekly, ok kidding.)

Yum. I have had many things fried in my life, but not these. They were absolutely delicious. Unbelievably delicious, actually.

Want to know what is so awkward?  
When the guy at the check out at Walmart asks you if you remember him, because he says he remembers you.  Excuse me? What? You REMEMBER me?
The last time I was here was...2.5 Weeks ago. Seriously dude, did you take a class on how to be a creeper? You aced that one didn't you? Needless to say me and Kim got out of there as fast as we could.

Something else Kim and I saw in Walmart that was blog worthy?
Only this...

Yes, that is a DUDE bunny.  Who gives that for easter? EASTER. Come on people. Really?
Did you notice his BLING? Oh right, how could you miss it?
What is this world coming to? I mean first of all, they associate Rabbits/Bunnies with Easter and then they make them GHETTO? Seriously?

I did a podcast this weekend. All by myself.  Cool huh? It was made all of GLEE songs and me talking.
Dont worry though, I probably wont make another one, because for 1) Im pretty terrible at it and 2), I only did it because I had to for my Music Tech class.  Nevertheless, its a good skill to know...I think.

And lastly these are for myself and everyone out there who need something to help them get through situations that they are dealing with that may not be so easy.

Have an awesome week and hopefully I will write tomorrow or the next day. I'll keep you posted!
Love ya!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the follow! Those deep fried oreos sound AMAZING! I love dipping oreos in peanut butter, too.

    I'm super excited about Eduador- we are working in a village on the coast (not exactly sure where) rebuilding a house. I would love to volunteer at an orphanage, too! I'd love to hear about your experience!
