
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

And so it begins...

Today is Ash Wednesday.  I am not Catholic, I am LDS, so that means that we don't do Lent. However, I still give up something almost every year just to say that I did and most of the time to prove my Dad wrong.  This year Im giving up...Desserts/Sweets/anything with chocolate.  Until Easter...oh man.  I think I can do it.  I have a really mean sweet tooth but I think I got this.  It is sooo not going to be easy because they are my favorite thing in the world, but hopefully I can get through it and lose a few pounds while Im at it.  Then maybe at the end I wont crave sweets as much...ok lets be honest, it will probably be the same but hey, its worth a try.  

In other news... I got a solo part in my choir at school singing "As I went Down to the River to Pray" from O Brother, Where Art Thou? If you haven't seen this movie, you need to go see it, like, now. We tried out for the part today and when my teacher didn't think it was you she just sent you back to the choir room.  So, it got down to four of us and she decided she wanted it to be me (yippee!) but I just was like ok cool... and then she needed a back up just in case I couldn't do it when it came time for the concert.  So I walk back into the choir room, all calm and cool and Im sure everyone was thinking, oh, she didn't make it.  So this one girl behind me, who also tried out, taps me on the shoulder, and so rudely and snobbishly says, "Oh I really thought you were gonna make it, that's too bad." In my mind I was like gees, thats not nice.  So all I said was, "Yeah, me too. Oh well."  Oh you should have seen her face when my teacher announced that I got it.  Made my day. 
Is that bad?
I mean, she was being kind of rude.
I wasn't trying to be prideful.
Oh well.
So hopefully it all goes well.
By the way, all the girls that tried out were wonderful, Im lucky that I got the part. 

Anyways...did y'all see GLEE last night?  Kind of raunchy, but still pretty hilarious.  I really liked Brittany and Santana's song Landslide, despite all of the other stuff.

I dont really have much else to say.  I'm going to a concert in a few minutes of the school's orchestra, it should be awesome.  Im so tired though, I hope I don't fall asleep.

Also I found these pics and I thought I would put them up here because they make me smile.

This one made me think of my Dad...

Lets pretend thats a coke in his hand and then I can say
that somedays I feel just like this.

And check out this turtle that was born a few weeks ago...

Well, thats all I got for you today.  Hope the rest of your week is awesome!

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