
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mommy dearest...

Guess what today is?  Its my MOM's BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Woohoo!  I wont tell you how old she is because she might just kill me.  But lets just say, she's old enough to be my mom.  Anyways, she is basically the BEST mom in the world.  I don't care what y'all say. My mom is the BEST.  Not your mom is not the best, mine is. I would say that she and I have the most in common between her and my dad but, I think its evenly shared.  I would put a pic of her on here, but just like my Dad, she doesn't like her picture taken so I don't even have one of her.  Plus, she probably wouldn't appreciate her face plastered on the internet.
My mom is awesome for many reasons....

She enjoys GLEE just as much as I do.  Another show that we enjoy watching together, and when were apart?  SURVIVOR. That is not weird. We love it.  

My mom loves makeup just as much as I do...Im gonna take a shot in the dark and say that my live of makeup might have come from her...just a thought.  One kind we both love and sometimes she buys for me, ok lets be honest, most of the time.  I am so grateful for that because this stuff is expensive.

This stuff is, in a word, magical...

Speaking of magic...My mom LOVES the Harry Potter series.  Not quite as much as my sister and I do, but she loves it.  I mean its kind of hard not to love.  She has gone to see several of the movies with my sister and I, when its not the midnight showing.  But we see it so many times in the theater, that she has many opportunities to accompany us.  Im so glad she wasn't one of those moms that refused to let their kids read the series.  Like really?  HP is one of, if not the best series ever written.  She is awesome.  Most of the time she would finish reading them before me and my sister because she reads WAY fast.  Thats another thing that she loves.  Reading.  I would say its probably her favorite thing to do.  Another thing I got from her and my dad is my love of reading.  My mom takes a book wherever she goes.  She is always reading a book.  

If my mom had a library, it would look like this one.
She has probably read this books or more in her lifetime,
this is the library from Beauty and the Beast.
When I get famous Mom, I will build you this library.

My mom was born and raised in the good ol' state of ALABAMA and she has five brothers and sisters.  She grew up on a farm and has a work ethic like no other.  Probably because she spent her summers on the farm and didn't have much we did as children.  But because of her and my Dad, I would be way lazy.  I know so many people that their parents didn't make them do chores all around their house without pay, but we did.  So I can assure you, my kids are gonna work.

My mom loves music.  Just as much as I do.  She sings like no other.  Her voice is amazing and I just hope and pray that someday I will have the power and talent that she has.  People always want to hear her sing.  But once you've heard her, you'll want to hear it all the time.  She has sung at numerous weddings and funerals.  Can you imagine being so good at singing that people put it in their will that they want YOU to sing at their funeral? Sometimes I get to sing duets with her and its magical. SHE.IS.AWESOME.  No joke.
When I was a kid, every saturday, when we would clean, we always had music playing.  It was always on in the car.  I always associate my mom with music.  This summer, she and I are gonna go see
JOSH GROBAN in concert and I am so so so so so so excited.  Dad, you can come too.
We love him.

One of my moms favorite things to say to me?
"Sara, happiness is a choice." Thats it.  There have been times in my life when I haven't been happy, surprising right? Haha not.  Anyways, she always tells me this and to this day and for the rest of my life I will always remember that. Whenever Im unhappy, I always think of my mom telling me that, and immediately TRY to change my mood.  Sometimes it works, but sometimes I like to be mad or hold grudges. Weird, I know.

My moms favorite thing to eat?
Anything sour. Or any hard candy. Also Bubble Gum.  No, not chewing gum, BUBBLE gum.

My moms favorite movie?

Um, if you haven't seen it, then you need to.
STAT. Its only amazing.
My mom is also a big supporter in getting even. (Hopefully she wont kill me for putting this up here)
Now, I haven't exactly witnessed any of this but I have heard stories, and I don't doubt it. When I want to get someone back, I call her and she always has the best advice.

Basically my mom is the best, if you haven't yet noticed.  She is always there for me when I am upset.  She is always willing to help.  People love her because she is so awesome.  No one could ever replace my mom and I am so glad I get to be her kid. I love her oh so much.  Mom you are the best, I hope you know that. Thanks for all the crap I put you through my whole life.  Thanks for always being there and for helping me through everything. Thanks for always going to my concerts and supporting me and my dream.  I haven't seen my mom in almost eight months, which is killer.  I love cracking jokes with my mom and just talking to her about random stuff.  She is the best, I think I already said that, but she is.
I love you mom and I hope you have a wonderful birthday!  You deserve it! 

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