
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday...

So I got this idea from here. 
There are several things that I am loving this week and several that I am not, so be prepared to hear both.

I'm loving last night's episode of GLEE.  The original songs were brilliant!  Seriously, did y'all watch?  With the exception of a little too much affection for me in some parts, I thought it was brilliant.  What are they gonna do for Nationals? Are they gonna write more original songs because after that, can they really go back to uh...un original songs?  I don't really know, but its gonna be hard to top last nights songs.

I'm loving the concert I went to tonight.  Alfie Boe.  Who is that?  He's only a Tony awards winning tenor.  He.Was.Amazing. No joke.  He also plays Jean Valjean in the 25th Anniversary of Les Miserables.  His voice is breathtaking.  Like, he's up there with Josh Groban. You should go look him up, like now.

I'm loving this video...seriously makes me crack up!

I'm loving that there are only TWO more weeks of class left and then finals week.  THREE MORE WEEKS OF SCHOOL! Woo-Hoo!!

I'm NOT loving that I have been sick all week and this is keeping me from practicing... and well, it just sucks.  Why? Why? Why?

I'm NOT loving that GLEE isn't coming on again until April! WHAT? WHY would they do this to us?!

I'm loving that tomorrow is St. Patricks Day!  I don't yet know what we will be doing, but I'm sure it will be awesome!

Well I gotta go, I'll see ya soon!

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