
Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday, Monday...

Many things have happened in these past few days that I have yet to write about that need to be told.  So this weekend I had the privilege of going to...wait for it, wait for it....BODY WORLD.
What is that you might ask?  Its an exhibition of REAL human bodies. (I think the real name is just "Bodies" but I am gonna call it Body World because that sounds so much cooler.)  I mean they are dead, but they are real.  It was awesome because you get to see real body parts without the smell.  It wasn't even that gross!  I would put pictures up, but I don't want anyone to get grossed out...But if you get a chance to go, you definitely should, it is very informative and so very interesting.  

A couple of quotes that made me crack up this weekend...

"Wanna know whats awkward?  When you walk into the living room and your roommate (girl) and her fiance are spooning on the couch, but SHE is the BIG spoon..." Talk about awkward.


"If they aren't gonna have meat in heaven, then they better have bacon flavored plants!"

Meanwhile, in my apartment, we are currently having a feud.  I. HATE. DRAMA. Seriously.  This is ridiculous.  

This post is all over the place sorry guys...

Something I learned/realized in church yesterday... Sorry if this is a bit cliche...

"Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few." Ecclesiastes 5:2

I just think is a great scripture that everyone should know basically about being quick to judge and not saying rude things to people because whether you think it or not, their feelings do get hurt.

WHEN I build my own house, this will definitely be built inside of it.

How cool is this?!?

One more thing...

My mentor in my music class showed me this song and it is WAY cool...

Anyways, sorry this was sooo completely random... but hopefully soon, I can write something better that y'all will enjoy.  I hope you're week is awesome!

P.S. My friend Katie is going to Germany this week!  Just wanted to give her a shout out!  Have an awesome time Katie!

Bailey (left), Katie (middle), and me...


  1. What's more awkward then walking on a girl spooning her boyfriend? Walking into the OSSO house and two cuenca girls are spooning each other.
