
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

These are my confessions...

 Sorry I havent posted in FOR-EV-ER.  Its just, finals are coming up, and I didn't feel that great last week, I sprained my ankle this weekend while walking, and we went to Utah and came back to Utah in one day.  Its just been hectic.  But here are some thoughts I would like to post about...Confessions and Awkwardness, or maybe just AWKWARD CONFESSIONS. Either way, pretty entertaining.

I read all of the spoilers to GLEE, I just can’t help myself OK?
(Like did you know that Kurt and Blaine are supposed to be going to prom together pretty soon? Oh and I read that the season is going to continue like the first or second week of April.  Im crossing my fingers!)

This isn't a real video, don't try to click on it,
otherwise, you might feel stupid.

I recently used a paper I wrote in high school for a paper in college…I mean I did tweak it, and it is my paper, so what’s the harm in that? Right?

I may or may not have SIX glasses of water in my room right now…none of which are empty

I refuse to eat desserts from a box…unless its gluten free, and I only eat that disgusting crap deliciousness, when I am with my friends, Cailey or Olivia, and that is only sometimes…

I watched the first four seasons of psych in the space of one month…it is that good.
(Its basically my new favorite show, next to GLEE)

Um, can someone please buy
these for me? Thanks.

When watching movies, I cry at the smallest things. It’s pathetic.

Some people like to hug their friends every time they see them and tell them they love them, I’m not one of those people, that’s awkward man.  And if you try to make me hug you and say I love you, I will make it as awkward as possible.

Im basically a man when it comes to

I sometimes miss the drama of high school, it was so stupid, but so much fun, haha.

Every morning when I walk outside my door, I smell the freshly baked doughnuts wafting through the air and I think about doughnuts all the way to class…is that bad? I only think about them, and only sometimes do I actually act on those thoughts.

I particularly enjoy sprinkled doughnuts...

I am one of those people that likes to know what’s going on with the stars, I just like to read about their personal lives and sometimes wish I had it that easy…although some of their lives are totally jacked up. Its just curiosity, I swear.

I may or may not have tripped off a curb and sprained my ankle this weekend. And yes, all the ice has melted.  I just suck at walking. And now I get to wear something that looks like this...

Awkward Occurrences

When the girl next to you in class says that when she went to bed last night she was dressed in one thing and when she woke up she was dressed in something else.  Me: "Um, do you sleep walk?"
Girl: "I don’t think so, I think my roommate changed my clothes."
Me (in my head): Either way, you are a freak.  Don’t tell people stuff like that, it creeps them out.
 Sidenote: Why do we think that people put their hands in front of them when they sleepwalk? Where did that even come from?  Just because you're sleepwalking doesn't mean you're a freaking ZOMBIE.

Seeing someone with toilet paper hanging out of their pants, and trying to tell them without laughing in their face.

When someone actually BREAKS their face…yes that is possible.  Ok, that’s not awkward, that’s just ha-larious…bahaha


Oh, just a clip from "Just Friends"  I think you might enjoy.
Skip to 1:55.

Well, thats all I have to say.  Have a wonderful week!


  1. Bahahaha oh my heck I love Just Friends. Anna Farris is hilarious! "Mall people just don't know..."

  2. basically this post just reminds me why i like you. i too enjoy the lives of celebrities and just friends. Also i do not enjoy hugs. and if i thought my roommates were changing my clothes at night, i wouldn't be casually telling people in class. i'd be moving out.

  3. Oh, Im so glad you guys like me and my random posts. I Like yall too.
