
Friday, March 11, 2011

They never said it would be easy..

They only said it would be worth it.  Whoever came up with this phrase/saying, has never tried to go without desserts for forty days.  Im really second guessing my decision.  Its only been three days and I. AM. DYING.  I. need. chocolate. That stuff runs through my veins and my body is going through a deficiency, this is not gonna be good.  Needless to say, were gonna see how long this will last, I know I said I can do it, but I don't know man, Im dying over here.  This is just painful.  How do people go without sweets?  They are insane.

Anyways...I got THREE books today from Amazon that I am way excited about.  The only reason I could afford three books is because the money fairy sprinkled some extra money into my account this week! (Thanks Dad!)  So I cant wait to read them, but I can't guarantee it will be anytime soon...ugh.

Last night we watched a movie that I get to put on my list!  

Morning Glory
Rachel McAdams
Harrison Ford
Diane Keaton
Jeff Goldblum
Patrick Wilson

Quite a good cast right?  So lets see, if I had to rate it I think I would give it a 6/10.  It had a great plot line and all of the characters were awesome, well I didn't really like Harrison Ford's role but I think it was supposed to be like that.  It was just kind of slow the whole time.  It didn't hold my attention very well.  So yeah, if you wanna see it, go ahead, I wouldn't tell you not to.

     This next part is for my friend Cailey, hopefully you will get a laugh out of this...
     I call this, "The-awkward-things-that-happened- to-me-this-week-that- need-to-be-told-because-they-are-just-too-funny-to-go-unsaid" section of my blog.

  • When a guy in your class tells you that they had a dream about you last night...and its completely creepy, the way he says it
  • When you're at the gym on the treadmill, and you're staring at the cycling class going on and then proceed to trip...on the treadmill...but luckily you catch yourself and look around to see if anyone saw, and of course your friend did... 
  • When your roommate makes dinner for only the roommates she likes and even labels it for all to see (ok thats just plain rude)
  • When you catch a GIRL staring at you and she doesn't stop...
  • When you trip UP the stairs in the SNOW building
  • When someone you know and her fiance talk baby Spanish... and you can understand everything, ugh
  • Even worse when the fiance of the person you know sounds like Pee-Wee Herman.  Seriously?  You find that attractive?
  • When you're too tired to notice that you forgot to wash your hair as you're getting OUT of the shower...

And on a more serious note,

We need to keep Japan in our prayers, there was some severe devastation that I cant even imagine.  It is so terrible what has happened and so many people lost their lives and there are so many people who have no idea where their loved ones are.  Keep them in your prayers.  They need it.

See ya soon!


  1. You are too awesome :)

    Stopping by from Mingle Monday!

  2. Stopping by from Mingle Monday! I loved your awkward things that happened section! :)

  3. Visiting from Mingle Monday. I loved the Happiness Project and hope you do, too. I'm off to check out your 101 in 1001 list next. I'm working on mine, too!

  4. First of all, love your blog- you are adorable. I cannot believe you are giving up dessert though girl! You are strong- I wouldnt make it the first day!

    I am joining you in prayer for Japan!
