
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday...

I'm loving several things on this fine Wednesday...

I'm loving this new perfume I bought a couple of weeks ago, on sale for $15 dollars at ULTA! Its called Pink Sugar and it smells divine!

I'm loving that I just found out that I can watch 4 seasons of "Hey Arnold" on Netflix Instant Play...this makes me, oh so excited!

I'm loving that I get to start my second job next week!

I'm loving these movies I just saw...

I'm loving that Pay Day is in two days!

I'm loving that this movie comes out in exactly 50 days!!!!!!!

And finally, I'm loving that my bff Beth is home after a year a half....its about time.

And yes, I do realize that most of those things had to do with watching movies or TV, but whatever. Once I start my second job, I wont have time for all of that so Im going to enjoy it while I can.

I hope y'all have something to love on this Wednesday!
Also you can link up here to join in on the fun!
See ya!


  1. bahahahaha HEY ARNOLD! omg!

  2. Harry Potter- um, yes please. And I love Hey Arnold too! Football head!

  3. I AM UBER EXCITED for the Harry Potter Movie this summer!

    Hey Arnold was one of my sister, SaraH's favorite shows. :)

    Best friend being home is...well the BEST!

    Have a great day!

  4. I am SO excited for HP too!!!

    You are loving some great things today! Hope that your Wednesday was fabulous!

  5. Oh that's hilarious!! I always have to spell my name for people to make sure they don't put the H on!! Thanks for stopping by!! Love your blog too! :)

  6. I love Pink Sugar... it smells so yummy :) And YAY for Harry Potter!

  7. pink sugar?!? even the name sounds absolutely divine!! i'm jealous. don't think we have it here at all. btw, i love that last photo of you and your best friend!! you guys have such wonderful tans :D
