
101 in 1001

SO here  is my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days!  Awesome!  I hope I can get all of them done!  For every one I finish, I am going to save five dollars, and for every one that I don't complete, I will donate five dollars to charity. Im so excited!  

Start Date: February 2, 2011
End Date: October 31, 2013

In progress

  1. Lose all weight
  2. Go on a cruise (with my now husband, S!)
  3. Leave the country at least once
  4. Exercise at least 4 times a week
  5. Buy Mom and Dad a Kindle
  6. Save money for college
  7. Go to D.C. (Planned for August, 2012!)
  8. Volunteer more
  9. Save money for Lasik 
  10. Join WW
  11. Limit eating out to twice a week
  12. Only 1 coke a week
  13. Sponsor an SVP child
  14. Get a credit card and build credit (Completed 06/18/11)
  15. Pay Mom and Dad back for Ecuador
  16. Run another 5K
  17. Go to Cedar Point, OH
  18. Graduate from college with degree
  19. Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet
  20. Answer the "50 Questions that will free your mind"
  21. Complete a 365 day photo challenge
  22. Pay for the person behind me at a drive thru
  23. Come back to Ecuador at least for a visit (Planning on visiting for a week at the end of the year 2012, beginning of the year 2013)
  24. Read at least 50 books that aren't for school (1/50)
  25. Go on a road trip with friends
  26. See Harry Potter #7, 2nd half, at midnight (planned for July 15th at MIDNIGHT!)  (Completed July 15, 2011, MIDNIGHT!)
  27. Learn to play the piano better
  28. Skydive
  29. Save more money than I spend
  30. Host a mystery party
  31. Host a holiday party
  32. Go to the movies at least once a month (1/33)
  33. Do "Couch to 10K"
  34. Cook at least one new thing once a month
  35. Limit sweets to once a week
  36. Learn to play the guitar
  37. Blog at least 4 times a week
  38. Complete an 1000 piece puzzle
  39. Go to a Josh Groban concert (Planned for June 8th, 2011.)  (Completed June 8, 2011)
  40. Try Geocaching
  41. Go to a concert at least 2 times a year (0/6)
  42. Go to Warped Tour at least one summer
  43. Write a list of 101 things that make me happy
  44. Ride a roller coaster in 2011, 2012, 2013
  45. Save money to go to Greece and Ireland after 1001 days
  46. Play muggle Quidditch
  47. Write missionaries more 
  48. Make a quilt out of my t-shirts that I don't wear anymore
  49. Send a missionary a package filled with wonderful things
  50. Go to General Conference at the Conference Center (Planned for April 2011)
  51. Take Mom out to dinner
  52. Take Dad out to dinner
  53. Always tell my parents I love them
  54. Get a least a 3.8 every semester
  55. Buy an expensive dress when I lose all my weight
  56. Make a photo book for Ecuador
  57. Make a budget
  58. Go to a showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show
  59. Go White Water Rafting again
  60. Write a message in a public bathroom
  61. Take my makeup off before bed
  62. Read 10 "Banned" books (0/10)
  63. Drink only water for 2 weeks (this can be done multiple times)
  64. Learn to French Braid
  65. Read all of Jane Austen's novels
  66. Go Paintballing
  67. Visit Nashville
  68. Get a smart phone/iPhone
  69. Give 5 "I saw this and thought of you" gifts (5/5)
  70. Answer 5000 Question Survey
  71. Go to a Book Signing
  72. Do "Race for a Cure"
  73. Read Book of Mormon again
  74. Send a secret to Post Secret
  75. Fit into smaller jeans by end of year 2011
  76. Work at a summer camp
  77. Get a facial
  78. Finish a book of Sudoku puzzles
  79. Ask 20 friends to suggest one book and read them all (0/20)
  80. Do a 101 snapshots challenge
  81. See All Time Low live
  82. Find out my blood type
  83. Read the entire Chronicles of Narnia
  84. Visit my older sister and my nieces
  85. Take a pic of these completed tasks and make a collage
  86. Get new bedding for apt for later
  87. Get new glasses  (Completed May 20, 2011)
  88. Do karaoke  (Completed June 18, 2011)
  89. Put my favorite/inspirational quote on something for decor
  90. Float down the Ichetucknee River with my family
  91. Learn to drive a stick shift
  92. Spend a day at the spa
  93. Try ZUMBA  (Officially on 2/8/12)
  94. Sing at an old persons home
  95. Have a monthly board game night
  96. Go to the Iron Bowl
  97. Participate in Operation Beautiful
  98. Witness a flash mob
  99. Don't complain about anything for one week
  100. Make a patchwork quilt
  101. Read 20 of the "1001 books to read before you die" (0/20)

So here is my list of of my "26 movies I haven't seen starting with each letter of the alphabet"

  1. A-TEAM, The
  2. Battle:LA
  3. C
  4. Despicable ME
  5. Education, An
  6. F
  7. Gnomeo and Juliet
  8. How Do You Know
  9. Imitation of Life
  10. J
  11. Knight and Day
  12. Limitless
  13. Morning Glory
  14. N
  15. Other Guys, The
  16. Pay it Forward
  17. Q
  18. Roommate,The
  19. Sling Blade
  20. Tangled
  21. Unknown
  22. V
  23. War Horse
  24. X-Men: First Class
  25. Y
  26. Z