
Monday, May 2, 2011

Things to do...

So, I like to make lists. 
I make lists of things I want, things I like, things to remember, but mostly I make lists of things to do.
What I need to do now?

get a second job
pay parents back
get new phone
talk to Beth
do my laundry
clean my room
clean the car
get up earlier to get some of these things accomplished
read "The Talent Code"
watch my shows (yes, I include this in my things to do)
write Virg and Heather
blog more
save money for school

Thats all I can think of now, although I can assure the list is much longer than that.
Sorry this post is boring, I am so tired right now, but I felt like I needed to blog because I haven't in awhile.

On a sidenote, I started watching this show called "Dexter" and its really kind of sick and twisted but I cant stop watching it.  My parents had watched it and told me I should watch it.
Well, I really need to go to sleep now, so I will see you another time.
See ya!

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