
Monday, May 9, 2011

This week...

SO this week, I AM going to post every single day, and hopefully that will get me in more of a habit to post more ALL the time.
I cannot guarantee that all of them will be great posts or interesting, but, they will be here.
Some of you probably know I work at Jason's Deli and I got promoted to being a closer.
I've been training for it for like a week and I start this week, so Im sure I will  have plenty of stories to share.
But there are some things I just don't understand about people...

Why do people think they know more than I do about my job? Overall I have worked here for two years or so (off and on since 2007), and I have done many things. So don't try to tell me how we USUALLY make the sandwiches because, I know how we ALWAYS make the sandwiches. Im right, you're wrong.

We close at 9 PM. Why do people come in at 8:50 and sit there and think about what they want for seven minutes and then they finally order? Are you kidding me? We want to get out of here! WE have lives too. And who eats dinner at 9 PM with their whole family of six? Really? Rude.

If you didn't want sour cream on your potato, why didn't you tell me that before we made it?

One last thing, I hate it when people do call ins and then when they finally get to their home and open their sandwich they see that its wrong and then they call us and yell for a few minutes. No thats not the bad part.  They expect a refund because we messed up their sandwich. No problem. They come back in...WITHOUT the, wheres the sandwich we messed up? Oh you ate it anyway? AND you want your money back? Seriously people....

Oh well, I have gotten used to it, mostly I just laugh about it. 
I love my job, I am complaining but I still love working there, don't get me wrong. I just thought yall would want to hear what goes on...

Have a good week!

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