
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Two Things

So I started my 101 in 1001 this week and I am happy to say that I did two things this weekend.  Well actually its just one thing...Number 19 is "Watch 26 movies I've never seen, starting with each letter of the alphabet."  I watched TWO this weekend.  Wanna know what they are? They both were pretty fantastic. Last night I watched "Despicable Me." That move is downright HILARIOUS. There's just something about villains and their "minions" (P.S. I looked up the word minion to make sure I was spelling it right and the definition that came with it was- A follower devoted to following his master RELENTLESSLY. Thats intense.) Anyways I laughed, A.LOT. That one is definitely up there with "UP" and "How to train your dragon," both of which I.Love.To. Death.

Minions...I want one, or like 16. Mainly for my
entertainment, and to cook for me...
The other one I saw...wait for it....was "The Roommate."  I know you guys are dying to see it. I was.  And I definitely think it was worth it.  It was everything I expected, I even screamed OUT LOUD. It would have been more embarrassing if there were more people in the theater but it was just us and one creepy old man sitting like four rows behind us, all by himself. He might have been more CREEPY than the movie itself.  Leighton Meester played an awesome psycho, I didn't think she had it in her, but I was definitely creeped out.  The best part of the movie though....was the HOTT boyfriend.  Even if the movie had sucked, I would have paid seven dollars just to watch him :-) Also, it was freaky weird how Leighton Meester and Minka (what kind of name?) Kelly looked alike.



Am I right or am I right?

So I am definitely suggesting both of these movies to EVERYONE.  Totally worth it. Any suggestions to what I should watch next?

One more thing before I after the Superbowl tomorrow, is the premiere of....GLEE.
I am so freaking excited.  Especially for "Thriller" and this....(which i totally downloaded today, don't judge)

I'm Excited!

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