
Saturday, February 26, 2011

What I have been doing...

I feel like I haven't done anything lately but I know I have because I cant just waste all my time doing nothing, ok well I guess I could but I definitely have done stuff this week.  The last time I posted was on Monday right? Ok so things I did this week....

  • I did NOT skip class this week, even though I wanted to several times...don't judge me
  • Watched GLEE on Tuesday night and it was epic, as always, actually there were some very weird parts, like that dress Rachel wore at her party, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it and I am very upset that there wont be an episode on next week...but oh well. (Oh by the way Lea Michele is on the cover of COSMO magazine this month and I am not sure how I feel about that...)

  • We got our midterm grades this week and I am proud to say that I am passing all of my classes with flying colors, except perhaps Spanish, which I am still passing, just not with flying colors.  That class is NOT easy.
  • My friend Cailey's birthday was on Wednesday!  She turned 21!  I bet you can imagine, how we celebrated... (NO we did not get wasted) We went to Big Jud's and after we went back to her house and played the Bean Game and had cake.  It was wonderful!

Cailey's husband, Stuart. Ok, not really...but this
is an attractive man, especially with that beard.
Am I right or am I right?

Better than...whatever cake, as they call it here
in Rexburg.
  • Thursday, I got out of class at 10 AM and I didn't have any homework, Im sure I could have gotten ahead in my class work and done something, but instead I watched JAWS 3 AND JAWS 4... Don't ask.
  • On Friday, I had two choir concerts, it was the same concert, just twice.  One at 6 and one at 8:30.  That was a lot of waiting...ugh, but I watched GLEE, to pass the time.  It was a good concert though.  Wish my family could have been there though.
  • And last but not least, today, I went with one of my roommates to see "UNKNOWN" with Liam Neeson.  EPIC movie.  I was kind of confused the whole time, they did that on purpose though (my mom would have figured it out in the first five minutes, its a gift), it was full of action and suspense and it wasn't always fast, so it kept you on the edge of your seat for what was gonna happen next. Oh man, I highly suggest it, and anything else Liam Neeson is in.  The man is a legend. I don't know if I would say the movie is better than "TAKEN" but they were both AWESOME.
I get to put this one on my list!!

I got a book this week that I started reading and its pretty good so far.  Its called Designated Fat Girl. Written by Jennifer Joyner.  Its a memoir about this woman's journey to losing weight and being the woman she once knew before she started gaining weight and forgetting who she was before she was the "fat girl." So far so good. I'll keep ya posted!

I hope everyone else's week went great, if not, you can tell me all about it, I don't mind.
See ya soon!

Monday, February 21, 2011

My Wonderful Weekend

So this weekend we had a three day weekend because of Presidents Day being today! It was so nice to have a break, even if this is the last one until the semester ends for me on April 8th...ugh. But its ok because that means I only have about 7 weeks of this semester and only 7 more weeks of snow...great.  Anyways, my friends, Kakamoe, Kim, and Mae, went down to Salt Lake City for the weekend. It was a wonderful getaway, but there was tons of driving.
          Our main reason for going down was to see out friend Mike, who lives in Provo and just got back from a mission in Montana. We hadn't seen him in 2 years, so we had a reunion and it was so much fun. So we got to where we going with all of us including Mike, at about midnight.  We stayed with The Slades who I have been friends with since I was about 12. They have six kids and one on the way and it is always so much fun to stay with them.
            So on Saturday, the first place we went was...wait for it...THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY. Seriously, one of the best places to eat, ever.

            Wanna know what I had to eat? Of course you do, because everything there is mouth watering. So I had a Barbeque Ranch Chicken Salad, the lunch portion, and it was HUGE! It was the lunch portion! Like seriously? We had Fried Macaroni Cheese Balls, these things seriously are to die for. No joke. So So So So good. Then, Kim and I, split a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Chocolate Cake Cheesecake, which was a new one and it was so good.  We struggled eating it though, we couldn't finish it.  We were absolutely stuffed.

This salad was absolutely delightful.

Look at all of those layers!

I seriously would/could eat this every single day.

            What else did we do while we were down there?  Well we went shopping around the mall and bought some stuff that you cant buy in Idaho because it doesn't exist there.  We also went to the movies.  Kakamoe, Mae, and Mike went and saw "Just Go With It" while me and Kim went and saw "Gnomeo and Juliet," yep, you know you wanna see it. It was so cute, and I'll admit, I almost cried at the end, not gonna lie about that one.  It was good, I would recommend it.  Also it was in 3D and thats just plain cool. I am also counting that in one of my "26 movies..." list.

It was epic.

             So after the movie, we went to another one of my favorite places in the world. Chick Fil A. I haven't had it since last September.  So I got my fix, and it was about time! It was so delicious!  Also, we may or may not have eaten Krispy Kreme Donuts.  But were not gonna talk about it because calories don't count when you're on vacation.  

You may be thinking that we planned our trip around food and that may have been true, but we didn't JUST eat while we were there, I promise. We also did something else that none of us had ever done before. Eyebrow know, those ladies that have those strings and they somehow "thread" your eyebrows, its like plucking or waxing, but less painful and so much quicker.  We also got our mustaches done too, not that we had hairy mustaches, but they needed to be done and it was only gonna be five more dollars.  It was awesome! We are gonna do it next time we go to Utah. It cost us 15 bucks for all of it, and our skin, where she did it, feels like a baby's bottom. And it lasts longer than plucking and waxing, I am now a believer in the threading method. It was amazing. You should try it.  No joke.

Just do it.

            So on Sunday, we had some kind of caramelized overnight french toast, courtesy of Sarah Slade, and it was awesome! We then went to church, and went to Temple Square, which was totally cool as always.  Then we went back and we had Hawaiian Haystacks, which were pretty good, I had never had those in the South, I guess we just don't make stuff like that... and we also had a cheesecake dessert and it was awesome, because Sister Slade is just an amazing cook, like seriously.


Weird, but good.

              After that we had to Mike home and then today we returned home.  Overall it was an awesome trip and it was very needed.  I am so glad we got to go.  But now I gotta get serious again and do some homework for this week.  Ugh, Oh well. Its all good.  See ya soon!  

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A post to make your mouth water...

            Midterms are this week and that is why I haven't been posting as much as I would like. Sorry guys. They are killing me.  The teachers are now realizing that they only have half a semester left to get all of the coursework done so they have decided to pile it on us. Curse them. Ok not really, but still.
                  Anyways, all of this stress makes me crave sweets, bad. But besides Valentines Day, I have refrained, thats not saying much since its only Thursday, but whatever I think its an accomplishment.  Here are some things that I wish I could make/have/stuff in my mouth right now.  Be prepared for your mouth to water.

Nutella Pillow Pockets, these look divine.

My whole family would enjoy this next one...

These beauties are called Peanut Butter-S'Mores Turnovers.
Reeses in a Chocolate Chip Cookie. Is that even allowed?

Stuffed French Toast, with Strawberries and Cream Cheese.
Enough said.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles. Delish.

This next one is for all of those Harry Potter fans out there, especially my mom and sister. My sister and I have had the real thing. Be jealous.

I promise you, this would taste like heaven.
I dont know where this next one is sold, but they need to sell it everywhere, like, now.

This is just plain brilliant.
Being a huge GLEE fan, I just think this cupcake is precious.

Aren't these cute?
Well thats all I got for now guys.  Im heading to Salt Lake City this weekend and I am stoked, I finally get to get out of Rexburg, not that I don't love it here, its just so much fun to have a change, you know?
See ya soon!

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Day of Love

                   Its Valentines Day, oh boy.  What to write about? I don't have aValentine, just in case you guys were wondering, sad I know. Oh well.  Im not bitter. Even though it does suck walking around the college campus with the most dating/engaged/married couples in the nation. But whatever, Im not bitter.

                    Tonight I plan on watching a cheesy movie, that make me cry, because that's what I do in lots of movies, no joke.  I cried in the first five minutes of "UP" and I cried when Dobby died and I think the first time I saw "P.S. I Love You", I cried the whole time, heck I cried the whole time, the second, third, and fourth times I saw that movie. You can ask my friend Mae, she'll tell you, it was not pretty.

Bawled my eyes out.
    Anyways, I don't know where Im going with this post really...Im just kind of rambling.  I found this love letter online and it was found on the campus of Brigham Young University, Provo.  I just that it was neat.

Presh right?

Want to know some of the couples that I really love? Well Im gonna tell you anyways.

Why aren't they married? Perfection.

The first time they kissed, I cried.

True love.

Sigh, i heart them.


Or Quinn? I dont know which one
to choose.

One of THE best couples ever. Period.
And last but not least....

My friends Cailey and Stuart.
They are basically awesome.
Some of my favorite love songs...

This Magic Moment-The Drifters

When a Man Loves a Woman-Percy Sledge

Me and Mrs. Jones-Billy Paul


I Want to Know What Love Is-Foreigner

I Dont Want to Miss a Thing-Aerosmith

Baby-Justin Bieber

Dont judge.

Si Volvieras a mi-Josh Groban

Anyways, I don't know what else to say about Valentines Day really...My friends and I will celebrating it some way tonight, probably while consuming hundreds of calories, which don't count on Valentines Day.  But I hope all of your Valentines Days went wonderfully and you have someone to snuggle with on the couch tonight while watching, "P.S. I love you" or some other lovey dovey movie.  I envy you, sort of. Anyways, have fun!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What Im Loving Wednesday

So a lot of bloggers do "What I'm loving wednesday" so, since I didn't have any other things to write about this is what Im doing.  Also I  like making lists, if you haven't already noticed, so here goes. Side note: I might also throw in some things I don't love, sorry, Im not happy all the time, like you guys might think...bahaha who am I kidding, Im not like that...EVER. I try not to complain about things so I try to make them comical for my sake and for the sake of others.

  1. Im loving that GLEE is back on TV.  Life just got a whole let better.  Like seriously...did y'all see last nights episode? It was so precious, and I don't know how I feel about Finn and Quinn, but I guess we'll see what happens won't we?

        2.  Im loving the fact that tonight, I don't have to do any homework for tomorrow, that is the first 
            time this semester that this has happened.  Hopefully I will get something done for Friday, but
            if I don't want to do anything, then Im not going to. It.feels.good.

       3. Im loving that my fantastic friend, Amber Duke, is back from Ecuador, but at the same time sad, 
          because now I feel like I have lost my connection to Ecuador and all of my babies. But basically  
         she is amazing. The fab four is back in the states in full form. The world needs to watch out. Just

       4. Im loving this quote.

     5. I'm loving that Baby Bieb's movie is coming out this weekend.  So I mean you could sort of say 
        I have BIEBER FEVER.  But I'm not like in love with him, that would be gross.
       He's like ten. But I do enjoy listening to his songs, its kind of a guilty pleasure of mine.  Don't judge.

I also enjoy this newer song of his, along with the music video. This is for you, Amber.


    6. I am NOT loving that I had to walk to class this morning in -14 degree weather with a -27 
       degree wind chill. Not cool. 

    7. I am NOT loving the fact that I have to do my laundry because I am seriously about to be on 
       my last pair of underpants, sorry that was way too much information, but I had to complain for a 
Basically this, but add two more feet to it...yikes
    8. Lastly, I am loving this cake and I want it for my birthday, which is September 16, for those of you
        who think that they might want to make it for me. Just a thought...

Yes, this is a cake, and I would like it chocolate, with
chocolate filling. Thank you in advance.

What are you guys loving this week?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday Musings...

                  Do you ever have those things that just make you so happy and they are really simple? I do.  Or some things that are just really awesome?  I got the idea for this post from this website. It is awesome.   I am stealing some of theirs and putting them on here because they are THAT awesome.

  1. Watching GLEE-There was a new episode last night and it was awesome, especially the "Thriller" part.

       2. Old school rap songs that come on my ipod that I jam out to still and when I say old school, I mean the ones we listened to in middle school and high school. For example:
  • Grillz-Nelly
  • Yeah-Usher
  • Hot in Here-Nelly
  • Lean Wit It Rock Wit It- Den Franchize Boyz
  • Laffy Taffy-D4L
  • Lean Like a Cholo-Down
  • Drop it Like Its Hot-Snoop Dogg
  • Ridin'-Chamillionaire
  • Hey Ya-OutKast
     3.  Finding money in your coat pocket from last winter- Totally found five bucks in my pocket the other day! It was awesome!

      4. Sweatpants. Period.

      5. Valentines Day candy. They sell TONS of it in the store!
These are the best.

          6. Thinking that you have run out of underpants but finding one more pair...

          7.  Sleeping on crisp, clean sheets...after you've shaved your legs. Even Better. Guys, you should try it, you're seriously missing out.

           8.  Eating french toast drowned in melted, crunchy peanut butter.

             9. The cold side of the pillow.

            10. Getting a Q and a U when playing Scrabble.

          11. Remembering what movie that guy is from.

          12. Compliments. Everyone loves them.

         13. Old reruns of "Boy Meets World"

            14. Seeing the Jonas Brothers in concert. Don't judge, you know you wish you were there.

The Jonas Brothers AND Zac Efron....woah.
I think I just peed a little.
       15. Zac Efron, Channing Tatum, Ryan Reynolds, Brad Pitt, Penn Badgley, Taylor Lautner,  Usher...who am I missing? 

This is for you, Olivia.

Look at those...teeth!
        16. Chick fil A.

       17. Road Trips.

       18. Disney World.

Seriously, the best place on earth.
      19. Waking up in the middle of the night and realizing you still have a few hours to sleep.

      20. The final seconds of untangling a really big knot.

      21. Screaming at characters in movies to do things
      22. Sitting on the front porch with your Dad, watching the thunderstorm.

     23. Fixing your wedgie when no one is looking

Thats attractive.
     24. When your mom would let you lick the cookie dough beaters as a kid.

    25. When someone gives you a double take.

    26.  When little babies give you hugs, especially brown babies :-)

    27. Laughing so hard you cry.

    28. Your Almost Name...what was mine you might ask...? Roxanne. Thats right. Im cool like that.

    29. When someone already highlighted your textbook.

    30.  When you hear a song and it takes you back to an awesome memory.

Thats all I got guys.  Sorry for the completely random post, but it makes me happy.  Hope you enjoy! Feel free to comment. Love you guys!