
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What Im Loving Wednesday

So a lot of bloggers do "What I'm loving wednesday" so, since I didn't have any other things to write about this is what Im doing.  Also I  like making lists, if you haven't already noticed, so here goes. Side note: I might also throw in some things I don't love, sorry, Im not happy all the time, like you guys might think...bahaha who am I kidding, Im not like that...EVER. I try not to complain about things so I try to make them comical for my sake and for the sake of others.

  1. Im loving that GLEE is back on TV.  Life just got a whole let better.  Like seriously...did y'all see last nights episode? It was so precious, and I don't know how I feel about Finn and Quinn, but I guess we'll see what happens won't we?

        2.  Im loving the fact that tonight, I don't have to do any homework for tomorrow, that is the first 
            time this semester that this has happened.  Hopefully I will get something done for Friday, but
            if I don't want to do anything, then Im not going to. It.feels.good.

       3. Im loving that my fantastic friend, Amber Duke, is back from Ecuador, but at the same time sad, 
          because now I feel like I have lost my connection to Ecuador and all of my babies. But basically  
         she is amazing. The fab four is back in the states in full form. The world needs to watch out. Just

       4. Im loving this quote.

     5. I'm loving that Baby Bieb's movie is coming out this weekend.  So I mean you could sort of say 
        I have BIEBER FEVER.  But I'm not like in love with him, that would be gross.
       He's like ten. But I do enjoy listening to his songs, its kind of a guilty pleasure of mine.  Don't judge.

I also enjoy this newer song of his, along with the music video. This is for you, Amber.


    6. I am NOT loving that I had to walk to class this morning in -14 degree weather with a -27 
       degree wind chill. Not cool. 

    7. I am NOT loving the fact that I have to do my laundry because I am seriously about to be on 
       my last pair of underpants, sorry that was way too much information, but I had to complain for a 
Basically this, but add two more feet to it...yikes
    8. Lastly, I am loving this cake and I want it for my birthday, which is September 16, for those of you
        who think that they might want to make it for me. Just a thought...

Yes, this is a cake, and I would like it chocolate, with
chocolate filling. Thank you in advance.

What are you guys loving this week?


  1. I also love that the fab 4 is back in the states. reunion? asap please.

  2. i love this post. although i miss ecuador, i am happy that the fab 4 is together again (ish)....well at least in the same hemisphere again. and don't worry, any updates i get i will share with you both :)

  3. also i love the beibs song. and if i was in rexburg i would totally go to the movie with you. but alas i am in texas. but we should definitely talk after we both watch it.

  4. Um, I agree with the aforementioned statements. All of them.
