
Monday, February 21, 2011

My Wonderful Weekend

So this weekend we had a three day weekend because of Presidents Day being today! It was so nice to have a break, even if this is the last one until the semester ends for me on April 8th...ugh. But its ok because that means I only have about 7 weeks of this semester and only 7 more weeks of snow...great.  Anyways, my friends, Kakamoe, Kim, and Mae, went down to Salt Lake City for the weekend. It was a wonderful getaway, but there was tons of driving.
          Our main reason for going down was to see out friend Mike, who lives in Provo and just got back from a mission in Montana. We hadn't seen him in 2 years, so we had a reunion and it was so much fun. So we got to where we going with all of us including Mike, at about midnight.  We stayed with The Slades who I have been friends with since I was about 12. They have six kids and one on the way and it is always so much fun to stay with them.
            So on Saturday, the first place we went was...wait for it...THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY. Seriously, one of the best places to eat, ever.

            Wanna know what I had to eat? Of course you do, because everything there is mouth watering. So I had a Barbeque Ranch Chicken Salad, the lunch portion, and it was HUGE! It was the lunch portion! Like seriously? We had Fried Macaroni Cheese Balls, these things seriously are to die for. No joke. So So So So good. Then, Kim and I, split a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Chocolate Cake Cheesecake, which was a new one and it was so good.  We struggled eating it though, we couldn't finish it.  We were absolutely stuffed.

This salad was absolutely delightful.

Look at all of those layers!

I seriously would/could eat this every single day.

            What else did we do while we were down there?  Well we went shopping around the mall and bought some stuff that you cant buy in Idaho because it doesn't exist there.  We also went to the movies.  Kakamoe, Mae, and Mike went and saw "Just Go With It" while me and Kim went and saw "Gnomeo and Juliet," yep, you know you wanna see it. It was so cute, and I'll admit, I almost cried at the end, not gonna lie about that one.  It was good, I would recommend it.  Also it was in 3D and thats just plain cool. I am also counting that in one of my "26 movies..." list.

It was epic.

             So after the movie, we went to another one of my favorite places in the world. Chick Fil A. I haven't had it since last September.  So I got my fix, and it was about time! It was so delicious!  Also, we may or may not have eaten Krispy Kreme Donuts.  But were not gonna talk about it because calories don't count when you're on vacation.  

You may be thinking that we planned our trip around food and that may have been true, but we didn't JUST eat while we were there, I promise. We also did something else that none of us had ever done before. Eyebrow know, those ladies that have those strings and they somehow "thread" your eyebrows, its like plucking or waxing, but less painful and so much quicker.  We also got our mustaches done too, not that we had hairy mustaches, but they needed to be done and it was only gonna be five more dollars.  It was awesome! We are gonna do it next time we go to Utah. It cost us 15 bucks for all of it, and our skin, where she did it, feels like a baby's bottom. And it lasts longer than plucking and waxing, I am now a believer in the threading method. It was amazing. You should try it.  No joke.

Just do it.

            So on Sunday, we had some kind of caramelized overnight french toast, courtesy of Sarah Slade, and it was awesome! We then went to church, and went to Temple Square, which was totally cool as always.  Then we went back and we had Hawaiian Haystacks, which were pretty good, I had never had those in the South, I guess we just don't make stuff like that... and we also had a cheesecake dessert and it was awesome, because Sister Slade is just an amazing cook, like seriously.


Weird, but good.

              After that we had to Mike home and then today we returned home.  Overall it was an awesome trip and it was very needed.  I am so glad we got to go.  But now I gotta get serious again and do some homework for this week.  Ugh, Oh well. Its all good.  See ya soon!  

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