
Monday, August 29, 2011

The Birthday.

Is the 16th of September.
What?!? Already?!
Last year I was in Ecuador for my 21st birthday and it was absolutely terrific.
Besides the fact that I had been throwing up all day because my stomach wasnt used to Ecuadorian food yet. It will never be the same either.
So I will be turning 22 this year....holy cow.
I should be graduating at this age but will I?
No.  Thats ok though, I enjoy school....somewhat.
Anyways, several of my friends birthdays are in September also, particularly the BFF Beth, whom this post will appeal to most.
Basically this is just me rambling about what I think we should do and I think it is brilliant.
Beth if you are reading, you should think long and hard about us doing this, ok?
Were only young once. Ok that doesnt really matter here.








No, not to gamble....

But because The Beatles LOVE by Cirque du Soleil is there at the Mirage hotel!!!!!!

OMG wouldnt that be epic if we could go?!?

And, while were at it, we might as well stay at The Mirage hotel while were there....

Ok seriously, yall know this is a brilliant plan, especially since we LOVE the Beatles music.

Only problem is, were gonna be at school, and its like ten hours away and its kinda pricey....but....

I still think we should do it!
Talk about a birthday to remember!
And, anybody who wants to come, should come! We can split the gas and the room!

Anyways, thats all I have to say. 

Hope yall's Monday is goin great!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

You got a tattoo?!?

No, I didnt get a tattoo....but secretly I want one.  Ssh! Dont tell anyone!
My parents are gonna read this and be like, what the h-e-double-hockey-sticks?!?
Ok they wouldnt say something like that but they will probably say that I'm crazy.
But lately, Ive known several people that are getting tattoos, some cool, some not.
It just makes me want one.
Does that make me a conformist?


Anyways, I was just thinking about IF I got a tattoo, where would I put it, and more importantly, what would I wanna put on my body that is gonna be there for.....FOORREEEVVEERRR (cue Sandlot)....?
I would probably put it somewhere that wasnt very visible, that I could hide if I wanted to.
I also like the idea of it being on the side of my foot.
One of my friends got hers behind her ear.
I feel like that would hurt like no other!

So what would I get?
I narrowed it down to a few things....
Ok, I really didnt narrow it down.

I would go for something that means something to me and not just something stupid.

I might do something these.

Love this one!

So those are kinda cool right?
I like the first two the best.

I also thought about getting something written in Spanish. Mainly because I love the language, and because of my little Ecuadorian babies.

We got rings when we were in Ecuador that say "Mirad a vuestros pequenitos" which means "Behold your little ones."
It would just be a good reminder of the wonderful, unforgettable time I had there.

And lastly, I would most definitely get something Harry Potter related.  Yep, dont judge, you know thats an AWESOME idea.

Here are some that I liked.

Dumbledore: "After all this time?"
Snape: "Always."

The Deathly Hallows!

Just a small one? Thats not too bad right?
Ha! Yeah right, even if I did it, I would probably cry like a baby.
What kinds of tattoos would yall get?
Well, I gotta run!
See ya soon!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Words to live by

Oh hey there.
I swear I havent forgotten about this blog and you readers out there.
My life is being taken over by work and I feel like several of the past few blog entries Ive done have all started with apologies or complaints.  So here I am again, apologizing. Im sorry for not being here.
When school starts back, I will have a lot more time to post, so give it a couple of weeks.  There will be some good ones! I promise!
Today Im just gonna post some quotes that I like and I think we all should live by.

I found these on a cute little blog that is only quotes and I read them
Its called "Bits O' Truth- All quotes."  Go here to read more and find some that you love!

Have an awesome day and hopefully Ill get another chance to write soon!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I know, I know....

OK so I've been MIA for the past couple months, but seriously, I HAVE NOT HAD TIME.  I like sleep too much to get on and write a legit blog post that is actually worth reading.  My deepest apologies to those of you who actually read this, you know who you are....
What have I been doing you may ask?
Mostly work,
but thats boring so I wont bore you with those details because most of you know how that goes....
Besides working, there are few things that I have done that may peak your interest so here goes.

Watched many movies lately? You know it.
Several actually.
Forgive me for not posting about them, I know you were dying a little inside.
OK fine, Ill tell you.

Of course you all know I saw....Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2!
Thats totally a given right?
Well, it was epic.
I painted my nails and everything.
Unfortunately I didn't dress up because I had just gotten off work and didn't have time because I needed to get in line for the midnight premiere and I was 10th in line! Sa-weet!!!!
I saw it with my mom, niece Kailey, and co-worker Tamara.  And.....I don't have pics, I apologize.
Needless to say, it was an epic movie and I could watch it over, and over, and over again. Seriously. No joke.

What else?
Tyler Perry's "Madea's Big Happy Family"

Had the floor not have been filthy with popcorn and probably Hepatitis, I would have been rolling in it.
I laughed so hard, I was CRYING. I mean the whole theater was dying laughing. 
So freakin hilarious.
Y'all have to see it.

Another one I saw was "The Adjustment Bureau."
Hated it.
Thats all Im gonna say about that.

I also saw"THOR."

I was amazed, and Natalie Portman was stunning.
And too bad Thor didn't have his shirt off the whole time....I mean come on.  He didn't even look real...I mean I guess he is sort of mythical, but those ABS were REAL.
The story was great too by the way....seriously

I think there might be a couple more that I have seen, but I cant remember them at the moment.  Anyways, movies are great. Obviously.

Next topic.

Congratulations to all of my friends who graduated in the past month! How cool are you?
You're all grown up...lucky....Im so ready for school to be over. Just done.
I start back in about a month. Im looking forward to my friends and the social part of it all, just not the school and studying and stressing part of it all. So.Not.Ready.

Random sidebar.
I need a new phone. STAT.
My phone is jacking up big time.
Many of the letters on the keyboard dont work so I have to improvise or just send a message the way it is. So if any of y'all get a text from me with some crazy message, I apologize. I am trying here. Just figure it out.

I dont mean to whine and complain, thats just how I have been feeling lately.
This post is getting too long.
I have more to say but its gonna have to go to another post.

Miss you guys!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

One word. JOSH.

First of all I need to apologize for my lack of blogs, in, well, basically almost a month.  I work sixteen hours a day and when I get a day off, all I wanna do is sleep. Ok I'll stop complaining, I don't need your pity...

So I know y'all have been waiting.  Last week I had the experience of a lifetime...Well, my lifetime anyways.  It was awesome and it was one of the things on my 101 list.  

Its ok,  I would be too, but I don't have to be!

Seriously, it was an amazing concert.  I would definitely see him again, and again, and again, and again, No Joke.
I am so in love with that man.
Also, hes funny.  
Like, very funny.
Surprising I know.
But...he cant dance.
Im ok with that. It was fun to watch him try, haha...
Anyways, here are some pics of this perfect man for yall to lust over...ok dont do that, He's mine.
Back off.
No, seriously.

Well thats all I got time for at the moment, but isnt he amazing?!? 
You know he is.

Well, I will try my hardest to get more posts out, that is one of my goals.
I love you guys!
See ya and have a good week!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday...

I'm loving several things on this fine Wednesday...

I'm loving this new perfume I bought a couple of weeks ago, on sale for $15 dollars at ULTA! Its called Pink Sugar and it smells divine!

I'm loving that I just found out that I can watch 4 seasons of "Hey Arnold" on Netflix Instant Play...this makes me, oh so excited!

I'm loving that I get to start my second job next week!

I'm loving these movies I just saw...

I'm loving that Pay Day is in two days!

I'm loving that this movie comes out in exactly 50 days!!!!!!!

And finally, I'm loving that my bff Beth is home after a year a half....its about time.

And yes, I do realize that most of those things had to do with watching movies or TV, but whatever. Once I start my second job, I wont have time for all of that so Im going to enjoy it while I can.

I hope y'all have something to love on this Wednesday!
Also you can link up here to join in on the fun!
See ya!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Simple Satisfying Pleasures

So I have already done a post like this before but I found this site/blog and every single one of these made me smile so Im posting them here and changing up a couple of them.  These are just a few.  To write all of life's simple pleasures would take forever so here are a few to make you smile.

Sleeping In on a Rainy Day – As the rain beats lightly against the window, you nestle your head deeper into your pillow.  The sound is soothing and your bed feels like a sanctuary.  There is no place you would rather be.

Finding Money You Didn’t Know You Had – You reach into your pocket and find a $20 bill from the last time you wore these jeans.  You aren’t rich, but you are richer than you were a second earlier.

Making Brief Eye Contact with Someone of the Opposite Sex – You pass him on the street or in the subway.  He glances up at you momentarily, making direct eye contact in a way that seems to communicate a subtle curiosity.  For a split second it makes you think… and then it’s gone.

Receiving a Real Letter or Package via Snail Mail – E-mail has become the primary source of written communication.  Most snail mail these days is junk mail.  When you check the mail and find a real letter or package from someone you know, excitement overtakes you as you tear into this rare gift.

Making the Yellow Light - It’s one of the most common simple pleasures, the act of beating the pack.  As you blaze through the yellow light you glance in your rearview to see all the cars behind you stopping at the red light.  Yes!  Beat Ya!

Telling a Funny or Interesting, True Story - One of the most enticing roles you lead in life is that of the storyteller.  You love to share stories, especially those that will captivate your audience with deep curiosity and humor.  There are few things more satisfying than telling a true story that others enjoy listening to.
Seeing a Friend Stumble Over Himself – As you walk across the street with your friend, he fails to accurately address the curb on the other side.  He trips and stumbles around momentarily before regaining his footing, then swiftly attempts to play it off like nothing happened.  This is usually me though.

Hearing the Right Song at the Right Moment - It doesn’t matter what the setting is, hearing the right song for that moment is one of those simple pleasures in life that instantly lifts your spirits. You could be driving home from work, hanging out at a bar with friends, or jogging. When the right song rattles your ear drums the entire meaning of life seems crystal clear.

The First Sip of a Beverage When You’re Thirsty – You just finished mowing the lawn or taking a long jog.  The only thing on your mind is an ice-cold glass of water.  When you are really, really thirsty, that first sip of any liquid beverage is sheer bliss.

Saying the Same Thing Simultaneously – There is a moment of silence.  Then all of the sudden you and your friend blurt out the same exact set of words simultaneously.  This rare occurrence is something to smile about.

The Pull-Through Parking Spot – You pull into a parking spot and are delighted to see the availability of the parking spot immediately in front of you.  You pull through to the spot in front so that when you return to the car you can drive forward out of the parking spot.  Why?  Because driving backwards is a pain in the butt.

Realizing You Have More Time to Sleep – Something abruptly awakens you and you think it’s time to get up.  Then you squint over at your alarm clock and realize you still have 2 more hours to sleep.  A warm euphoric feeling shoots though your body as you glide gracefully back to your dreams.

People Watching – Sitting there on your bench you can see people in every direction.  Tall people, small people, thin and plump.  Blond, brunette, and redhead alike.  Each of them has a different stride and a unique expression.  As you drift from body to body you are mesmerized by what you see.

Putting On Clothes Straight from the Dryer – As soon as the dryer buzzes, you pull out your clothes and put them on.  They feel soothingly warm on your skin and emit a fresh-scented aroma into the air.  A sentiment of ease comes over you as you head out to conquer the day.

A Familiar Smell – You just pulled into your parent’s driveway and opened the car door.  You haven’t been home in a long while.  You smell familiarity in the air, the scent of a large pine tree in the neighbor’s yard.  As you head through the front door, more familiar smells consume your senses.  Gosh, it feels good to be home…

The Feeling You Get When Your Idea Works – You have been struggling to resolve a complex problem all day and you just can’t seem to get it right.  Filled with frustration, you decide to exercise one last idea before calling it a night.  You’ve had many ideas before that failed miserably… but this time it works.

Fresh, Clean Bed Sheets – You yank at the corner of the bedspread to create just enough space to slide your body under the freshly cleaned sheets.  The sheets feel cool to the touch.  Everything seems so clean, like nobody has ever slept in this bed before.

A Beautiful View – As the car veers around the side of the mountain you gaze out the passenger window.  It’s a clear, sunny day and you can see the entire valley below filled with wild flowers and bright green vegetation.  The scenery reminds you of something you once saw in National Geographic.  But here it is live, right before your eyes.

Reminiscing About Old Times with Your Closest Friends – Pink Floyd once said “the memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime”.  There is no simple pleasure more satisfying than recounting the greatest moments of your life with your closest friends who lived these moments alongside you.

Receiving an Unexpected Compliment – It’s been an average day.  Nothing really great has happened, but nothing terrible occurred either.  This monotonous day has put you in a dreary mood.  Unexpectedly, an older, attractive lady taps you on the shoulder, calls you “handsome” and says she loves your shirt.  The day just got a whole lot better.

Having a Good Laugh – Laughter is the greatest cure of all.  Life is extraordinary in the moments when you are laughing so hard you can barely breathe.  These moments of deep laughter are divine in the sense that they cleanse your mood and set your mind on a positive track.

The Feeling After a Healthy Workout - It’s a giddy feeling of self accomplishment; the one true activity that actually makes you feel better and look better simultaneously. When you walk out the front door of the gym you are on top of the world.

The Celebration in the Instant Something Makes Sense – Even now that it has explained to you for the third time, you just don’t understand how it works.  Everyone else seems to understand but you.  Then out of the blue the dots connect in your mind.  You finally get it, and it feels great!

Relaxing Outdoors on a Sunny Day – As you relax sprawled out in a lawn chair, the sun warms your skin and a light breeze keeps the temperature comfortable.  Birds are chirping merrily in the trees behind you.  You are at complete peace with the environment.

Holding Hands with Someone You Love – Every time she grabs your hand you are overcome with an awareness of how much she means to you.  Holding hands is sensual and physically intimate, yet subtle.  There are few people you allow to hold your hand, so when it happens you can be sure that the moment is special.

Playing in the Water – Water marvels people of all ages.  From jumping in puddles as a child, to doing cannon balls in the pool as an adolescent, to hanging with friends in the jacuzzi as adults... water is enjoyable.

Making Someone Smile – You notice that your colleague has been under a great deal of stress with meeting a deadline, so you take it upon yourself to complete one of her indirect responsibilities for her.   As soon as she realizes what you did, she comes into your office with a big smile on her face.  “Thank you”, she says.  You just hit two birds with one stone, because making her smile just made your day.

Finishing What You Started – You just finished up a big project you’ve been working on for the last few months, or maybe you just finished your first marathon… Either way, you finalized what you set out to accomplish.  The feeling of self accomplishment you get when you finish what you started is by far one of the most rewarding simple pleasures life has to offer.

These sure do make me appreciate the little things in life :-)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What I've been watching...

I gotta make this quick because I gotta go to work in like twenty minutes.
So glee last night was oh so sad, I actually felt bad for Sue, and that never happens. And the New Directions version of "pure imagination" was brilliant. Loved it.

Also, on Monday, I went and saw the movie, "Battle: LA" Its kind of a mix between Independence Day and Transformers, if thats possible.  Either way, I thoroughly enjoyed it.  There was no down time though, I couldn't breathe the whole time because there was so much going on! I would suggest it, definitely.

One more thing, have yall seen the preview for Mandy Moore's new movie, called "Love, Wedding, Marriage"? I had no idea she had one coming out! It comes out on June 3rd!
Mandy Moore, Kellan Lutz, and Jane Seymour are in it...interesting right? 
Here's the preview.

See ya soon!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

the little things

I think I have already posted something like this on here before but Im sure one can always have a post like this, unless one is just extremely unhappy, which I'm not so here goes...
There are so many little things that make us happy.
Me, well I have quite a few.
Several have happened in the last couple days and I would like to tell you about them.

Yesterday, at work, I was talking with one of my co workers and I cant even remember what we were talking about but, they ended up saying, "What would Neil Patrick Harris do?" Dude, I busted out laughing and laughed about it for the rest of my night. Can I say LEGEN...wait for it, and I hope you're not lactose-intolerant, because the second half of this word is...DARY....?
How I met your mother, is basically one of the most hilarious shows ever. So when my co worker said that, it just caught me off guard. Epic.

Getting free stuff.
A couple days ago, I went to get an energy drink at the gas station and when I went up to the cash register, the cashier said he liked my glasses (they're new), and because he thought they were so cool, he let me have my energy drink...FOR FREE (insert Adam Sandler voice from Bedtime Stories).
Maybe the dude was a little creepy at the time...but, hey, that was two dollars I didn't have to spend on free energy, What?

DVR'ing things, yes I just made that into a verb.
All the good shows come on at night, so I DVR EVERYTHING, and watch them in the morning before I go to work, because when I get home at night, all I wanna do is check Facebook and go to sleep. (P.S. did you know that if you the word Facebook with a little f, it puts the red squiggly line under it? But if you spell it with a capital F it doesn't...really? Facebook is a proper noun now? I guess, its a noun...right? Kakamoe, Kim, or Megan, a little help here?) 
In conclusion, DVR'ing is basically awesome, in every way possible.

Speaking Spanish.
I can understand most Spanish and I work with a lot of Hispanics and well, they don't speak much English, and I know what they are saying when no one else does.  This is awesome because they cant talk about me because they know I understand what they are saying and I get to translate for everyone and that kinda makes me feel important....and everyone likes to feel important sometimes. you know its true.

And lastly, I was on Stumbleupon last night and came across this recipe that I will be making as soon as I have something worth making a cake for... 

A rainbow cake in a jar. Genius. How cool is this? Like seriously?
Anyways, I gotta get ready for work now, I will see you tomorrow!
Have a wonderful Tuesday!