
Thursday, June 16, 2011

One word. JOSH.

First of all I need to apologize for my lack of blogs, in, well, basically almost a month.  I work sixteen hours a day and when I get a day off, all I wanna do is sleep. Ok I'll stop complaining, I don't need your pity...

So I know y'all have been waiting.  Last week I had the experience of a lifetime...Well, my lifetime anyways.  It was awesome and it was one of the things on my 101 list.  

Its ok,  I would be too, but I don't have to be!

Seriously, it was an amazing concert.  I would definitely see him again, and again, and again, and again, No Joke.
I am so in love with that man.
Also, hes funny.  
Like, very funny.
Surprising I know.
But...he cant dance.
Im ok with that. It was fun to watch him try, haha...
Anyways, here are some pics of this perfect man for yall to lust over...ok dont do that, He's mine.
Back off.
No, seriously.

Well thats all I got time for at the moment, but isnt he amazing?!? 
You know he is.

Well, I will try my hardest to get more posts out, that is one of my goals.
I love you guys!
See ya and have a good week!

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