
Sunday, August 7, 2011

I know, I know....

OK so I've been MIA for the past couple months, but seriously, I HAVE NOT HAD TIME.  I like sleep too much to get on and write a legit blog post that is actually worth reading.  My deepest apologies to those of you who actually read this, you know who you are....
What have I been doing you may ask?
Mostly work,
but thats boring so I wont bore you with those details because most of you know how that goes....
Besides working, there are few things that I have done that may peak your interest so here goes.

Watched many movies lately? You know it.
Several actually.
Forgive me for not posting about them, I know you were dying a little inside.
OK fine, Ill tell you.

Of course you all know I saw....Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2!
Thats totally a given right?
Well, it was epic.
I painted my nails and everything.
Unfortunately I didn't dress up because I had just gotten off work and didn't have time because I needed to get in line for the midnight premiere and I was 10th in line! Sa-weet!!!!
I saw it with my mom, niece Kailey, and co-worker Tamara.  And.....I don't have pics, I apologize.
Needless to say, it was an epic movie and I could watch it over, and over, and over again. Seriously. No joke.

What else?
Tyler Perry's "Madea's Big Happy Family"

Had the floor not have been filthy with popcorn and probably Hepatitis, I would have been rolling in it.
I laughed so hard, I was CRYING. I mean the whole theater was dying laughing. 
So freakin hilarious.
Y'all have to see it.

Another one I saw was "The Adjustment Bureau."
Hated it.
Thats all Im gonna say about that.

I also saw"THOR."

I was amazed, and Natalie Portman was stunning.
And too bad Thor didn't have his shirt off the whole time....I mean come on.  He didn't even look real...I mean I guess he is sort of mythical, but those ABS were REAL.
The story was great too by the way....seriously

I think there might be a couple more that I have seen, but I cant remember them at the moment.  Anyways, movies are great. Obviously.

Next topic.

Congratulations to all of my friends who graduated in the past month! How cool are you?
You're all grown up...lucky....Im so ready for school to be over. Just done.
I start back in about a month. Im looking forward to my friends and the social part of it all, just not the school and studying and stressing part of it all. So.Not.Ready.

Random sidebar.
I need a new phone. STAT.
My phone is jacking up big time.
Many of the letters on the keyboard dont work so I have to improvise or just send a message the way it is. So if any of y'all get a text from me with some crazy message, I apologize. I am trying here. Just figure it out.

I dont mean to whine and complain, thats just how I have been feeling lately.
This post is getting too long.
I have more to say but its gonna have to go to another post.

Miss you guys!

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