
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

the little things

I think I have already posted something like this on here before but Im sure one can always have a post like this, unless one is just extremely unhappy, which I'm not so here goes...
There are so many little things that make us happy.
Me, well I have quite a few.
Several have happened in the last couple days and I would like to tell you about them.

Yesterday, at work, I was talking with one of my co workers and I cant even remember what we were talking about but, they ended up saying, "What would Neil Patrick Harris do?" Dude, I busted out laughing and laughed about it for the rest of my night. Can I say LEGEN...wait for it, and I hope you're not lactose-intolerant, because the second half of this word is...DARY....?
How I met your mother, is basically one of the most hilarious shows ever. So when my co worker said that, it just caught me off guard. Epic.

Getting free stuff.
A couple days ago, I went to get an energy drink at the gas station and when I went up to the cash register, the cashier said he liked my glasses (they're new), and because he thought they were so cool, he let me have my energy drink...FOR FREE (insert Adam Sandler voice from Bedtime Stories).
Maybe the dude was a little creepy at the time...but, hey, that was two dollars I didn't have to spend on free energy, What?

DVR'ing things, yes I just made that into a verb.
All the good shows come on at night, so I DVR EVERYTHING, and watch them in the morning before I go to work, because when I get home at night, all I wanna do is check Facebook and go to sleep. (P.S. did you know that if you the word Facebook with a little f, it puts the red squiggly line under it? But if you spell it with a capital F it doesn't...really? Facebook is a proper noun now? I guess, its a noun...right? Kakamoe, Kim, or Megan, a little help here?) 
In conclusion, DVR'ing is basically awesome, in every way possible.

Speaking Spanish.
I can understand most Spanish and I work with a lot of Hispanics and well, they don't speak much English, and I know what they are saying when no one else does.  This is awesome because they cant talk about me because they know I understand what they are saying and I get to translate for everyone and that kinda makes me feel important....and everyone likes to feel important sometimes. you know its true.

And lastly, I was on Stumbleupon last night and came across this recipe that I will be making as soon as I have something worth making a cake for... 

A rainbow cake in a jar. Genius. How cool is this? Like seriously?
Anyways, I gotta get ready for work now, I will see you tomorrow!
Have a wonderful Tuesday!

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