
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Questions, Questions, Questions

So, this is me putting off my homework/studying for finals.  I just don't want to do anything today ok?  I mean I will...eventually, but for now, Im not. Don't judge me.
So a friend of mine sent me this questionnaire/survey thing in an email and I was like, oh, I should put this on my blog.  However, that thing was 60 questions no, I'm not filling out that whole thing unless I'm getting a grade for it.  So I cut out the ones I didn't like/were stupid and I just filled out the ones I wanted to, so here you go.  Some information about myself. You should be excited.  Sorry for the lack of order in the questions though.

1. What time is it? 
It’s 5:15 P.M. I just got up from a nap about an hour ago and I want to go back to sleep.  My body is not functioning today. I did go to class today though.

This is how I feel.
3. What type was your first car? 
Well, the first car I used was my parents red Honda CR-V, that car was sa-weet!

5. If you could have any job, what would it be? 
Well…my dream has always been to be a famous singer…but since the likelihood of that is very slim, I’m going to go with music teacher. Music is the best thing in the world and I would get to teach it to kids and instill in them a love of music too…how awesome is that?

6. What are you most afraid of?
SHARKS…  I hate them so much.  They give me the chills just thinking about them.  However, I have seen almost every shark movie out there because even though I hate them, I am fascinated by them and I think I just love to be scared by them.  My dad always says, I’ll give you $1000 bucks if you go down in a shark cage.  And every time I say, Dad, haven’t you seen that one JAWS where the shark cage breaks off and the dude has to swim out to get back to the boat? Seriously? No. Not happening. EVER.

Apparently this really happened.
And, a few days ago, it happened in Florida.
Um, I would be peeing my pants

8. What are four movies you would watch over and over?
11.   10 Things I Hate About You- You cant go wrong with Heath Ledger…may he rest in peace…plus this movie is hilarious

2.   She’s the Man- um, Amanda Bynes is brilliant…can anyone else play a guy the way she does? No.  That is one of THE most, if not THE most quotable/quoted movies ever.  My friends and I and random people quote that movie all the time.

3.   The Patriot/The Green Mile- I threw in the Patriot because it is awesome, but I didn’t want to name another Heath Ledger movie, but I love all of his movies but seeing as I cant put all of them…I put The Green Mile, if you haven’t seen this movie.  Go see it…like…now.  Classic.  Tom Hanks and that big black guy.  I sobbed, but it is Epic.

4.   Forrest Gump- I promise you, this movie will never get old.  I could watch this over and over again in one sitting and it wouldn’t old.  My family owns this movie, but we still watch it every time its on TV. That’s how great it is.

10. What are four places you have lived?
1.   Birmingham, Alabama…I just said that.
2.   Rexburg, Idaho- aka, the coldest place on earth.  Where I chose to come to school. Don’t ask.
3.   Provo, Utah- Another place I went to school
4.   Quito, Ecuador- best place on earth, next to my home.  And because all of my little babies are there, just waiting for my return.

12. What are four places you would rather be right now?
1.   At the beach…It snowed in Rexburg yesterday, it is still that cold
2.   Home. Period.
3.   Ecuador.  My second home. With my babies.
4.   Hmmm…maybe like on a cruise to the Bahamas or something.  Everyone just got back from Spring Break and we, up here in Idaho, don’t get a Spring Break…only because we get out of school extremely early…that’s right…eight more days baby! Woohoo!  I just have to make it through finals week first.

15. What are four of your favorite foods?
1.   Beef Tips and Rice
2.   Chocolate Chip Cookies
3.   Baked Potatoes
4.   Ice Cream

Jason's Deli baked potato, the biggest and best.
17. Which do you prefer, ketchup or mustard? 
Ketchup.  Mustard is nasty.

19. Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
Broccoli? Sick.  My least favorite food in the world would have to be broccoli.  EEEEEWWWWWWWWW.

20. Favorite Drink? 
Coca Cola. Nuff said.

21. Favorite ice cream?
Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Therapy, but when I can’t have that, Rocky Road…or just plain Chocolate.

22. What's your natural hair color?

26. Favorite day of the week?
Friday or Saturday…I mean I usually don’t have much to do on those days so they are the least stressful days…aka awesome!

27. Favorite Restaurant?
The Cheesecake Factory or Firebirds.  Both of which are delectable.

29. Favorite sport to watch?
Football. Roll Tide!

30. Disney or Warner Brothers? 
Disney…however…Warner Brothers did do the Harry Potter series which is just complete and utter brilliance, so WB when talking about HP, but Disney for everything else.

31. Favorite fast food restaurant? 
Chick-fil-A. Always and forever.

34. What do you do most often when you are bored?
Get on Facebook…or read.

35. Bedtime?
Usually not before 12 AM…I got homework to do…and maybe some other things that are a complete waste of time but we wont mention those.

40. Favorite TV show of all time?
Boy Meets World.  Always will be the best. 
Currently though, GLEE!

47. What is your favorite board game?
Probably Scrabble, that game is awesome! And who doesn’t like to spell?

48. Favorite smell?
Either Acqua di gio cologne or the smell of freshly baked Chocolate Chip Cookies.

50. Favorite colors?
Cerulean. It’s a blue.

51. Least favorite color?
Probably brown. I don’t think I even own any brown clothes or shoes.

52. Future (or first) child's name?
Um, I like Tristan, and Scarlett…I guess it just depends though.

54. Do you like to drive fast?
Yes I do.

57. If you could meet one person dead or alive who would it be?
Patsy Cline.  That woman is a legend.  Her voice is stunning.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Miss Patsy Cline!

59. Storms: cool or scary? 
They are sa-weet! My dad and I used to sit out on the porch when a thunderstorm would come rolling through in the summer with a blanket and just watch the storm and remark on how cool the lightning was, or how loud the thunder was. Good times.

Well, thats all I got, hopefully, I'll write again soon...!
Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

These are my confessions...

 Sorry I havent posted in FOR-EV-ER.  Its just, finals are coming up, and I didn't feel that great last week, I sprained my ankle this weekend while walking, and we went to Utah and came back to Utah in one day.  Its just been hectic.  But here are some thoughts I would like to post about...Confessions and Awkwardness, or maybe just AWKWARD CONFESSIONS. Either way, pretty entertaining.

I read all of the spoilers to GLEE, I just can’t help myself OK?
(Like did you know that Kurt and Blaine are supposed to be going to prom together pretty soon? Oh and I read that the season is going to continue like the first or second week of April.  Im crossing my fingers!)

This isn't a real video, don't try to click on it,
otherwise, you might feel stupid.

I recently used a paper I wrote in high school for a paper in college…I mean I did tweak it, and it is my paper, so what’s the harm in that? Right?

I may or may not have SIX glasses of water in my room right now…none of which are empty

I refuse to eat desserts from a box…unless its gluten free, and I only eat that disgusting crap deliciousness, when I am with my friends, Cailey or Olivia, and that is only sometimes…

I watched the first four seasons of psych in the space of one month…it is that good.
(Its basically my new favorite show, next to GLEE)

Um, can someone please buy
these for me? Thanks.

When watching movies, I cry at the smallest things. It’s pathetic.

Some people like to hug their friends every time they see them and tell them they love them, I’m not one of those people, that’s awkward man.  And if you try to make me hug you and say I love you, I will make it as awkward as possible.

Im basically a man when it comes to

I sometimes miss the drama of high school, it was so stupid, but so much fun, haha.

Every morning when I walk outside my door, I smell the freshly baked doughnuts wafting through the air and I think about doughnuts all the way to class…is that bad? I only think about them, and only sometimes do I actually act on those thoughts.

I particularly enjoy sprinkled doughnuts...

I am one of those people that likes to know what’s going on with the stars, I just like to read about their personal lives and sometimes wish I had it that easy…although some of their lives are totally jacked up. Its just curiosity, I swear.

I may or may not have tripped off a curb and sprained my ankle this weekend. And yes, all the ice has melted.  I just suck at walking. And now I get to wear something that looks like this...

Awkward Occurrences

When the girl next to you in class says that when she went to bed last night she was dressed in one thing and when she woke up she was dressed in something else.  Me: "Um, do you sleep walk?"
Girl: "I don’t think so, I think my roommate changed my clothes."
Me (in my head): Either way, you are a freak.  Don’t tell people stuff like that, it creeps them out.
 Sidenote: Why do we think that people put their hands in front of them when they sleepwalk? Where did that even come from?  Just because you're sleepwalking doesn't mean you're a freaking ZOMBIE.

Seeing someone with toilet paper hanging out of their pants, and trying to tell them without laughing in their face.

When someone actually BREAKS their face…yes that is possible.  Ok, that’s not awkward, that’s just ha-larious…bahaha


Oh, just a clip from "Just Friends"  I think you might enjoy.
Skip to 1:55.

Well, thats all I have to say.  Have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday...

So I got this idea from here. 
There are several things that I am loving this week and several that I am not, so be prepared to hear both.

I'm loving last night's episode of GLEE.  The original songs were brilliant!  Seriously, did y'all watch?  With the exception of a little too much affection for me in some parts, I thought it was brilliant.  What are they gonna do for Nationals? Are they gonna write more original songs because after that, can they really go back to uh...un original songs?  I don't really know, but its gonna be hard to top last nights songs.

I'm loving the concert I went to tonight.  Alfie Boe.  Who is that?  He's only a Tony awards winning tenor.  He.Was.Amazing. No joke.  He also plays Jean Valjean in the 25th Anniversary of Les Miserables.  His voice is breathtaking.  Like, he's up there with Josh Groban. You should go look him up, like now.

I'm loving this video...seriously makes me crack up!

I'm loving that there are only TWO more weeks of class left and then finals week.  THREE MORE WEEKS OF SCHOOL! Woo-Hoo!!

I'm NOT loving that I have been sick all week and this is keeping me from practicing... and well, it just sucks.  Why? Why? Why?

I'm NOT loving that GLEE isn't coming on again until April! WHAT? WHY would they do this to us?!

I'm loving that tomorrow is St. Patricks Day!  I don't yet know what we will be doing, but I'm sure it will be awesome!

Well I gotta go, I'll see ya soon!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I caved...

Don't judge me. We all knew it wasn't gonna last.  I ate...ICE CREAM tonight.  Im a terrible person.  But oh well, Im not Catholic...can you blame me?  Its ok, because Kim and I are working out more, so at least Im kind of doing something, right? Oh well.  Go ahead, think what you want to think, but all of you people out there who love sweets like I would have caved too.  Maybe if I had made it a smaller category, like...just cookies, then yeah I probably could have done it.  Whatever. EPIC FAIL. Meh, who cares?

All day, I've had really bad nostalgia for Ecuador...(can you have nostalgia for something that ended only a few months ago?) I miss it so much, and I miss my babies.  Life there, was so easy.  And so many people loved you and cared about you and you didn't get into fights and I didn't even worry about anything really. I miss it. I miss all that love.  There really is nothing like it.

Last night, I didn't do anything, so I stayed home and watched, "An Education."  It was very interesting.  I think I would give it an 8/10.  I would suggest it.  I even think it won a few awards.  

I wasn't really expecting the ending.  I knew something was up the whole time, but it wasn't that.

Hope your weekend is going well!
Dont forget to set your clocks forward!
See ya!

Friday, March 11, 2011

They never said it would be easy..

They only said it would be worth it.  Whoever came up with this phrase/saying, has never tried to go without desserts for forty days.  Im really second guessing my decision.  Its only been three days and I. AM. DYING.  I. need. chocolate. That stuff runs through my veins and my body is going through a deficiency, this is not gonna be good.  Needless to say, were gonna see how long this will last, I know I said I can do it, but I don't know man, Im dying over here.  This is just painful.  How do people go without sweets?  They are insane.

Anyways...I got THREE books today from Amazon that I am way excited about.  The only reason I could afford three books is because the money fairy sprinkled some extra money into my account this week! (Thanks Dad!)  So I cant wait to read them, but I can't guarantee it will be anytime soon...ugh.

Last night we watched a movie that I get to put on my list!  

Morning Glory
Rachel McAdams
Harrison Ford
Diane Keaton
Jeff Goldblum
Patrick Wilson

Quite a good cast right?  So lets see, if I had to rate it I think I would give it a 6/10.  It had a great plot line and all of the characters were awesome, well I didn't really like Harrison Ford's role but I think it was supposed to be like that.  It was just kind of slow the whole time.  It didn't hold my attention very well.  So yeah, if you wanna see it, go ahead, I wouldn't tell you not to.

     This next part is for my friend Cailey, hopefully you will get a laugh out of this...
     I call this, "The-awkward-things-that-happened- to-me-this-week-that- need-to-be-told-because-they-are-just-too-funny-to-go-unsaid" section of my blog.

  • When a guy in your class tells you that they had a dream about you last night...and its completely creepy, the way he says it
  • When you're at the gym on the treadmill, and you're staring at the cycling class going on and then proceed to trip...on the treadmill...but luckily you catch yourself and look around to see if anyone saw, and of course your friend did... 
  • When your roommate makes dinner for only the roommates she likes and even labels it for all to see (ok thats just plain rude)
  • When you catch a GIRL staring at you and she doesn't stop...
  • When you trip UP the stairs in the SNOW building
  • When someone you know and her fiance talk baby Spanish... and you can understand everything, ugh
  • Even worse when the fiance of the person you know sounds like Pee-Wee Herman.  Seriously?  You find that attractive?
  • When you're too tired to notice that you forgot to wash your hair as you're getting OUT of the shower...

And on a more serious note,

We need to keep Japan in our prayers, there was some severe devastation that I cant even imagine.  It is so terrible what has happened and so many people lost their lives and there are so many people who have no idea where their loved ones are.  Keep them in your prayers.  They need it.

See ya soon!