
Friday, April 1, 2011

Finals week... kicking my butt. Ugh. All I wanna do is sleep.
But i cant.
Too much stuff to do.
I will admit though, I have taken a nap or two here and there.
My semesters are always so different when it comes to finals.  Sometimes I have eight HUGE tests, and then there are times like this when I have 3 tests and 4 projects and 2 papers to do...seriously?
Have I started on my papers? No.
Projects? Sort of...
Spanish test. Yes.
Voice Jury. Yes. (this is the one I'm terrified of)

And to top it off...finals week is ALWAYS the week of/during/after General Conference Weekend.
How am I supposed to do all of that stuff AND watch General Conference?
Come on...
We go to a church school, you would think they would take that into consideration
Am i right or am i right?

Oh well, bring it on.  Even though its stressful, it usually turns out well in the end.

So today is my lovely sister LILY's birthday.  
She is a wonderful person and someone I definitely look up to...well sometimes...just kidding.
She is turning 19, gees, I feel old.
She is beautiful, makes everyone feel included, funny, awkward, nice, smart, caring and she can cook.
She likes to sing, stay on the internet for hours, and loves HARRY POTTER. (We have that in common...) She cooks, loves Dr. Pepper, loves basically ALL foods.  She has hundreds of friends, who she stays in touch with, and loves the gospel with all her heart. She loves Chick-fil-a, Red Robin, and Jim n' Nicks, to name a few... She loves animals, painting/drawing/ doing art.... and messing up spaces...and last but not least, shoes and clothes.  Oh and the thrift store. She will kill for a bargain.

Things she doesn't like...

Usually the people I date
getting up early
People (more specifically my parents) telling her what to do

Those are just a few.

Basically she is awesome and a guy would be lucky to have her in his life.  
I know I'm lucky to have her as my sister.
We may not talk all that much, but when I get back from school, or just from being gone, its like I never left.  She may be a slob, but I still love her.
Happy Birthday Lil. I love you!

Happy Birthday Sis!

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