
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Holy Tornado!

So, if y'all didn't know, there were like twenty tornados in Alabama today. That was some scary stuff dude. Seriously.  There are over fifty people dead so far. At one point, one of the tornados that was on the ground was a MILE WIDE. What?!? 
Dude, thats like straight out of the movies scary. That crap does not happen here in Sweet Home Alabama. I mean we always get our fair share of thunderstorms and tornados very spring, but these were F5 tornados. Thats like the worst kind. 
One of the hardest hit places was Tuscaloosa, AL and a lot of that town was demolished. The school is said to be ok, but the mall got wiped out it looks like.
My cousins that live in Morris, AL found some medicine prescriptions from a pharmacy in Tuscaloosa in their far away is Tuscaloosa from Morris you may ask?
Approximately 70 miles.
Yeah, you read right. 70 freakin miles.  
That is ridiculous.
At one point, there was so much debris that it was 8,000 feet in the air! CRAZY!
So yeah, we need to pray for all those people whose homes were destroyed and for all of those people who lost loved ones.
This was one of the worst weather days Alabama has ever seen.

For those of you wondering, the tornado just barely missed Bryant-Denny Stadium.
Another street in Tuscaloosa was completely demolished though. The tornado in Tuscaloosa was the worst but there were several more tornados through out the day.  
One of my Dads' co-workers that lives in Pleasant Grove said that there were bodies everywhere there, but were not sure if that is true just yet.  
Tomorrow we should know more results of the damage.
My part of town was just missed tonight.  This morning was terrible though.  At like 5:30, it came through here and seriously, it was so bad.  Our house was seriously like screaming, yeah that doesn't make sense, but you weren't here. It was screaming.  The top of our chimney blew into our front yard.  The winds did lots of damage.
Well, thats all I got. 
President Obama declared us in a state of emergency.
Pray for Alabama.
See ya soon!


  1. We are praying for all of you impacted by this storm. May Good bless u and help u all during this devastating time for your city.

  2. I have family in Tuscaloosa and Birmingham- haven't been able to get in touch w/anyone since the storm hit! I'm so worried after reading all the news- they live very near the mall in Tuscaloosa, which I understand has had a great deal of damage. We are keeping u all in our prayers. May God bless u and watch over u thru this tragedy.
