
Thursday, January 20, 2011


                      So Im back at school, if y'all didn't already know.  I know I haven't posted in forever and I really, really need to do better because that is one of my 101 things to do... So Im living in Rexburg, Idaho where it snows basically every day from the months of November to at least April...but I've been here in June when it snowed, thats right, JUNE.  Anyways, do you wanna know how many times I have slipped, and fallen...all.the.way.down.? Well lets see, in the past six days it has been, well at least six times.  Wow, you might be thinking, Sara sure is a clutz.  You're right, I am. BUT, I have seen so many other people fall, that I don't feel so bad.  I have approximately 7 Visible Bruises right now, all of which are very painful but I deal with it.  You wanna know what the worst part is? The fall itself.  I never fall gracefully, or in the same way really. Its actually in slow motion which is very odd to begin with, but most people when they witness me falling, say that I fall in slow motion and I can't explain it. One day I did the "banana peel" slip.  I seriously lost my footing, did the whole "moving in your arms in rapid circles to catch your balance," and then proceeded to fall backwards and land on my back.  This was at school, too.  Luckily, no one was around, but someone was probably watching from a window.  I then tried to get up and it was so slippery, that I fell right back down. BAHAHA. This started making me laugh hysterically, making it even harder to get up.  I wish my dad could have been there because I know he would have gotten a kick out of watching that.
                      The other great one was when I was walking out of my apartment and didn't notice that the last step was a little bit icy, and well, I face planted into the sidewalk. Classic. Once again no one was around, however after five minutes I was walking in an icy parking lot and I fell on my side and I think I hit so hard, that I even bounced back up a little and then landed firmly on the ground.  Needless to say, that bruise is huge and prevents me from sleeping on that side, it hurts so much. Someone was walking behind me then, but didn't bother to help, they probably didn't want me pulling them down with me if I fell back down.  I totally understand, stranger.
                        Every single day I ask myself why I go to school in this frozen wasteland known as Rexburg.  But some of the happiest times of my life have happened here, and then I remember why.  Most of my friends are here and we all share the same beliefs and there is no one here to judge those beliefs.  How wonderful.  Now Im not saying that there aren't judging people here, because I will be the first to tell you that there are, and I have been one of those several times.  I shouldn't, but when people say crazy things, I cant help myself. Forgive me.  Anyways, that is my icy rant for the day and I promise I will do better at writing, because I know that ALL of you wanna read the nonsense, that is my so-called life.  Thanks and I love you all!

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