
Saturday, January 29, 2011


                   Only my family will understand this title, sorry.  But I wanted to dedicate this blog post to my father.  His birthday was a few weeks ago on the ninth.  I was too caught up with getting back here, and getting back in school mode and unpacking and stuff to mention it.  I wont tell you how old he is because he wouldn't appreciate that, but my dad is amazing y'all.

                  Happy Birthday Dad!  My dad is always there for me and my family.  And he has taught me some valuable lessons in life that I will never forget and then there are some crazy times in my life with my dad that are making me laugh out loud right here, right now. Bahaha.

              Oh, but before I get into this, I would post a pic of my dad but neither he nor my mom like their pics taken, so I don't have any pictures of either of them.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

             So my dad is basically the coolest dad ever.  He has lived in and visited all kinds of places!  Here are just a few of them.

Pretty cool huh?  A lot of those were because he was in the air force.  But still thats cool too. 
Some other things about my dad are... 
  1. My dad is really conservative when it comes to electricity.  He taught me and my siblings a valuable lesson to always turn off our lights when we leave our room.  If we left our light on he would make us pay a dollar for every light bulb that was left on.  While I hated it at the time, I NEVER leave lights on anymore.  
  2. My Dad LOVES animals.  Since I have been alive, I don't remember a time when there weren't animals at my house.  We have had dogs, fish, chickens, guinea pigs, and ducks.  My dad loves them so much.  He also gardens like no other. He has the greenest thumb of anyone I know, then again I don't know that many people who are gardeners, but still.
  3. My Dad doesn't like to go out because he would rather have my moms cooking, which I totally understand.  But he does like the fries from Five Guys, and anyone who has had their fries, would totally understand. 
Heaven on earth.

4. My dad is a money saver.  He cuts out coupons every Sunday from the newspaper, and I remember I loved helping him when I was little.  That is one of my favorite memories.

5.  My dad loves music.  He and my mom play a big part in the reason I love music so much.  When I was little, every Saturday when we cleaned the house, we listened to oldies and me and my sister would dance with my dad. We were so happy when dad would dance with us.

Some other memories of my dad are....

  1. When I was about seven maybe, my dad told me and my sister that he was gonna make us fudge and we were so excited!  (We love anything sweet in my house)  So I don't exactly remember what happened, but it had something to do with cooking the fudge in the microwave...? And the fudge ended up really... hard. Instead of looking like this....

It looked like this....

Except not as shiny.  But hey, me and my sister still ate it, because even though it looked like pebbles, it tasted like hard fudge.  It was so funny, because my dad kept saying that it was almost finished and we were getting more and more excited and finally when it was "ready" he pulled it out of the microwave and it looked like pebbles...we definitely got a kick out of that.  Haha, it still makes me laugh.

2. Another memory is when we would be driving down the interstate and it was just my sister, my dad, and me.  Dad would turn on CHER's "Believe" and turn it up way loud and roll down the windows and we would sing it at the top of our lungs. ALL of us.  We loved it.

3. When my mom would go out of town, we always had these and every time I eat them from now on, I will always be reminded of my dad, who would let us get away with anything always made us do our chores when mom was out of town. 

4. In the mornings before school or church when we would have to be up early, Dad would come get us a little earlier and pick us up out of our beds and carry us to the couch so we could watch this show, which he already on the channel on, so that we could have time to "wake up".  How I miss those days.  My Dad was the best.

5.  My Dad always made us our work if we wanted money.  We always had to do some kind of chore, whether it be pulling weeds of filing his files or mowing the grass.  He also used money as an incentive if he lost something, like his credit card, he would offer money to the first person who found it. 
                  In our old house my dad had a Beautiful garden with a path that he named "the angel path" for me and my sister.  I miss that path.  Anyways, he had a beautiful little green tree that was being eaten up by little green worms that looked like this

So my dad told me and my sister, that for every worm we pulled off the tree he would pay us a nickel.  We were out there for hours and we made a good bit of money.  Good times.

                        Anyways, that is my dad.  My dad is the best, have I mentioned that?  He always helps me out if I need him.  Me and my dad are so alike too.  I have my dad's head and his hair and his mouth, and his toes.  Me and my dad even sleep in the same position.  He has always believed in me and I am clearly his favorite child...haha just kidding, but not really.  I was his first born so of course I'm his favorite.  When I was born he was there, but when my sis was born, he was eating Arby's, clearly I am more important...just kidding Lil.  My dad would do anything for us. 
                          I miss him and my mom, I haven't seen them since september and I wont see them until April! I have my dad's same weird sense of humor, but added with my mom's sarcasm.  Its a good combination, there's no denying that. No one can compare to him, but I hope one day I can find someone that will treat me and love me the way my dad does. I love you dad and Happy Late Birthday! 

In other news.....

My friends and I celebrated Heath last night (see my last post if you have no idea what I am talking about) and it was way fun.  We went out to eat and when we got back home we watched "10 Things I Hate About You" and ate a whole bunch of crap, literally.  Don't judge us.  Heath was a big part of our lives. So here are some pics.

Cailey and Stuart :-) Aren't they cute?

I like this one better than the other one, but they wouldn't
let me make that face, but whatevs Im putting
them both on here.
I know you wish you were there.  Oh and after we took this
we decided we wanted to watch "10 things" instead
but Im sure we will watch "A Knights Tale" soon. Don't fret.
I just figured we should document this seeing as it has
"Heath" in it.  Just sayin.
My wonderful friends Kakamoe and Kim! And yes her name
really is Kakamoe.

So my weekend has been awesome, I hope y'alls is just as fun.  See ya soon! Love ya!

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