
Monday, July 16, 2012

Oh yeah, I have a Blog...

Sooooo…..there was this one time when I had a blog that I would occasionally write on but then one day I decided to take a 4 MONTH break….my bad.  I have now been told by a few people that I need to write again. So here I am, writing again.  I don’t know that I will be able to tell you all that has happened in these 4 magical months but I can tell you that they have been unforgettable and I thoroughly regret not writing about them. 

  Let’s see…where to start? Well I know you’re dying to know if Stephen and I are still together…and well….you better believe we are! (That’s the main reason that these last few months have been so magical).

Some of the adventures we have been on….Hmmm…we’ve gone to Utah a few times to visit the Slade’s.  We went down for conference at the end of April, and then a couple other times after that.

Beth and I completed our SWEET FAST on Easter and here are some of the pictures that ensued... It was a wonderful day, and not JUST because of the sweets…

The gang...Spartacus included :)

Remember that time that we lost Catch Phrase to the boys…? I am sad to inform you that their winning streak has yet to end…

 Stephen turned 23 on June 29th and that was an awesome day!  We went to Chick Fil A at 6:30 in the morning for FREE Chicken Biscuits and later that night we all went to Pizza Pie Café (Stephen LOVES pizza…probably even more than he loves me…) and after that we had cake…but not just any kind of cake, this was an AVENGERS ICE CREAM CAKE! It was DELICIOUS!

What? You didn't know I was dating Iron Man? 

 We had Virg’s Bridal shower as well…lots of delicious food and skanky gifts some awesome presents!  It was way fun!  (Megan and Kakamoe were able to come up to Idaho and be with us for the weekend and we had a blast!) However, due to the nature of some the gifts she received, I will refrain from putting pictures of those up…however you can just go to this site and look around, I’m sure you’ll see some of the things she got (Ben, you’re not allowed to be looking…)

Aren't they precious?

  Independence Day was EXTREMELY fun.  We went to Egin Lakes and got burned to a crisp BUT later that night, we went to Café Rio and we went and saw the fireworks in Idaho Falls.  The fireworks were absolutely stunning. (Aloe Vera was our best friend for the next WEEK)

 School has been stressful this whole semester, but luckily I have three, yes three, days to go and I will be finished with my 9th semester of college! I only have 2 to go!!! (If all goes well…) If you were wondering, the classes I took this semester were, Statistics (DISCLAIMER: I HAVE to take this class for my major (Sociology), this is NOT a class I would have voluntarily taken…I am ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE at any sort of math so it has been…um…interesting…we’ll see how I do after this final exam, eek!), Sociological Theory (this is the class that I have with Stephen, however, we don’t sit next to each other because we both know that we would not pay attention at all…everyone in the class thinks it’s weird, our teacher included, BUT it works for us…I still stare at him  from across the room I can still see him though, so that’s all that matters), Sociology of Religion, and Law & Society (Both of these were EXTREMELY interesting and I am so glad I decided to take.

 What else?  Stephen and I are frequent bowlers, we’re not that great at it, but it’s the appeal of beating each other that keeps us going. HA. We also like to go see movies…some of the movies we’ve seen recently are…The Avengers (this movie is seriously EPIC. If you haven’t seen it, I STRONGLY suggest going to see it, you will NOT be disappointed!), The Lockout (unrealistic, not worth seeing again), The Amazing Spider Man (Another one that I STRONGLY suggest seeing!), Battleship (meh, it was OK), Snow White and the Huntsman (I enjoyed this one A LOT more than Stephen did), and a few others, so yeah, we like our movies.  Oh and don’t worry, we have tickets to see The Dark Knight Rises this Friday, so I should be reporting about that, hopefully.

 There is not much else to say, I'm sure I will think of things later that I could have told you about, but alas, I cannot think of anything else at the moment.  OH! One last thing…Stephen went home to Chicago for his sister, Rachel’s, graduation the first weekend in June.  Yes, I was pathetic that weekend without him.  But, you wanna know how awesome he is????  He was going to be gone on our three month anniversary which I was so terribly sad about, BUT he made me a dozen Duct Tape flowers and gave them to Beth before he left to leave at my doorstep that morning.  How lucky am I? It was precious.  He MADE THEM! Seriously?

  I know, I know, you ladies are all wishing he was your boyfriend, BUT,  I'm sorry, he is definitely taken. It’s OK to cry.  He’s amazing and I am so blessed and so amazed that someone like him would fall in love with me.  I thank my lucky stars for him every single day.

 Well, that’s all.  I know this post was EXTREMELY long so I completely understand if you stopped reading after the first paragraph of rambling…I tend to go on, and on, and on, and on…Anyway, it has been a GREAT semester and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

Also, if you get the chance, you should check out my roommate, Beth's, blog! She just started it and it's awesome!

See ya soon!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Already?

This weekend was quite swell. Im just sad that it's already over and Im back in my morning classes again. 
Great. 4.5 days until my next weekend.
Friday night, Beth and I had to work until 7:30 but after that we went to Big Jud's for dinner and it was delicious. We came back home and Ben, Virg, and Stephen came over (Did I mention that Stephen and I are dating? Oh? I didn't? Well, Stephen and I are dating. He's pretty great, but more about him later.) and we played Boxers and Briefs, and Catch Phrase and we got beat by the boys...AGAIN.  
Let me just explain something.
In my family, we NEVER lose at Catch Phrase.  
It is THE most competitive you will see us get.
So when I came out to school I didn't know if my roommates were going to be able to measure up to my family when it comes to winning this game.
Oh, was I wrong.
Beth, Virg, and I ROCK at this game when playing together.
(My sophomore year, my roomies-Beth, Virg, Heather, Kakamoe, and Megan and I-would play this just to play it, thats how much we love it)
So, you can imagine our disappointment when we got together with Ben, Jordan, and Stephen, who don't even know each other that well, at all, whooped our butts at this game. TWICE. 
What the?
Are you serious?
We NEVER lose this game.
The most impressive clue given by Stephen, to Jordan and Ben, went as follows:
Stephen: "Patrick is a...?"
(Beth, Virg, and I are sitting there like...? Seriously? I was sitting there thinking, "Wow, what a terrible clue...")
1.7 seconds later, in unison...
Ben and Jordan: "STARFISH"
Are you kidding me?
How in the world did they get that and how did they get it that fast?
At this point, he passes it on to Beth and we continue to lose. 
So that is how our Friday night went. Other than losing at Catch Phrase, it was a pretty good night.

Jordan felt the need to photograph their win/our loss.

Saturday was pretty relaxed.  I worked for an hour, and we went to the store and watched some TV, took a nap on the couch, did nails, so on and so forth.  Stephen came over and we played Rummy, and he beat me again, although I was winning up until the end.  That counts for something right? Ok, maybe not.
We also went and watched one of his roommates play black light volleyball.  
It was way cool! They lost, but it was still way cool :)

Sunday was probably the best day of the weekend.
We had church, which was great and then we came home and made dinner.
We made Jambalaya and for dessert we made Pretzel Bottomed Peanut Butter Cup Cookie Pie.
(Beth and I did not have any of the Pie, and let me just tell you, it was torture to make)
We invited Ben, Virg, Jordan, and Stephen over for dinner.

This was the Pie. Doesn't it look scrumptious? Yeah, I wouldn't know.

Next, we had the brilliant idea that we should go and Saran Wrap Jordan to a tree. What? 
We did what?
Yeah, we Saran wrapped Jordan to a tree. You heard correctly.
 Don't worry, we documented it.

Oh yeah, his feet were NOT touching the ground AT ALL.

Yes, this is real life.

Jealous? You should be.  The best part was the reaction of the people walking by.  Some people didn't even realize he was there. How do you miss a guy Saran wrapped to a tree?
So after about half an hour, we took him down and went home and played some more games.
Overall, great night.
So, you could say I had a pretty great weekend, but now back to the daily grind.
Hopefully, I'll talk again soon.
See ya!

Friday, March 9, 2012


I’m back! I’m trying to catch up on my posting, so I’m letting you know what has been going on in this crazy life of mine.  To continue talking about February…my friend Cailey had her birthday on February 23, and then…. her baby came the next day!  His name is Spencer (they didn't name him Spartacus like I hoped they would) and he weighed 9.1 lbs. He is precious!  Unfortunately, he is still in the NICU just because he can’t quite eat on his own yet, so they gotta keep him there until he can!  Hopefully he is coming home soon! But, I am starting to feel so old because some of my best friends just had a baby.  WOW.  I am so excited for them though, they became instant parents and it seriously just warms your heart to see that happen.

Isn't he precious?!

Valentines Day came and went and none of us had any dates, although I got flowers from two wonderful people and so that made my day :) however we made lots of cookies and sweets and we proceeded to eat our feelings, well as much of them as we could. Overall it was a decent day.
The next week we had Mardi Gras and made King Cake! We even had a baby to put on the inside, thanks to our friend Jordan.  Beth was the lucky one who got the piece with the baby inside! That night we had some other sweets and stuff too because Beth and I gave up sweets and candy for Lent, and I can gladly say that we are sticking to it.  We have not failed.  No one thinks we can do it, so we are determined.
            That Saturday, Beth, Jordan, and I went to Utah for a couple of days.  Saturday was a concert and that is the main reason we went down. We really just wanted to get out of Rexburg because we were going insane.  The concert was We Are the In Crowd and Every Avenue.  It was a pretty good concert, the crowd that was there was a little bit different, I mean there were like parents there…what? Yeah, weird.  We got to hang out with our friend Mike too, who we hadn’t seen in a while. Anyway, we had a great time, just chilling in Salt Lake City, and we got to visit the Slades for a little bit.

This is the lead singer of Every Avenue.

The next eventful thing that happened was the next week and it was Leap Day.  Leap Day is already an eventful day in and of itself, BUT one of my BEST friends got engaged!  VIRG GOT ENGAGED! 
Presh :)

Later that night we celebrated with cookies, (Beth and I did not partake of said cookies) Martinelli’s, and games.  It was way fun.  Were so excited for her wedding which is gonna be sometime this summer in Virginia!  WOOHOO!

 Me, Virg, and Beth

Ben and Virg...and our cookies! 

So cute.

                          So that was February and it was a great month.  March is probably going to be pretty stressful just because it’s the last month of the semester and finals are coming up…eek! I promise I’m gonna take more pictures too and put them on here!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Life Happened

So, remember that time I said I was going to post on my blog a lot more? Yeah, well obviously that didn’t happen. I apologize.  I’m not very good at this blogging thing.
However, my mom got on to me the other day for not writing more on my blog because apparently there are some people out there that want to know about my life…School has just been so busy this semester and I struggle to find time to write on here. I guess instead of wasting my life away on Facebook I could write blog posts and maybe I should try that, but I’m gonna have to take it a week at a time.
So here I am. I apologize for my absence.
So what’s been going on you might ask?
Well January was a pretty good month I guess.  We had a few parties for my friends Heather, Virg, and Stuart. We also had a baby shower for my friend Cailey and that was a lot of fun.  I met a lot of people in church and in my classes.  There have been some great movies that we’ve seen as well. January was just filled with parties and good times.
February was WAY fun.  At the beginning of the month I tried out for a show on campus called the “The Valentine’s Day Show” and the appeal behind it was the audience members get to text in to win a date with their favorite performer.  So, I definitely didn’t know that until AFTER I tried out and so I was like…oh great, this is gonna be fun.  So I ended up getting a spot in the show and I won a date…lucky me…My performance was ok, my microphone didn’t work for the first half of the song…but other than that it was ok. All of the other performers were all very good as well.

(This is me in the school newspaper after the show)

So the date was with a guy who will remain unnamed because who knows who reads this blog.  The following week we went on our date and we went to a comedy show and it was so awkward. You don’t even know.  Basically after he found out that I liked scary movies, the date just went downhill from there…He said that people who like scary movies, like fear, and fear is of the devil, and therefore, I basically worship the devil.  ACTUALLY, NO, I don’t worship the devil.  I just like the thrill I get from watching those type of movies.  It’s like the same thrill you get when riding a rollercoaster, which is AWESOME!  So after the show, I got home probably around 9 o’clock, which is definitely ok with me. 

Well, I’m gonna post another post here in a little bit, I just don’t want these posts to be too long, because that is just annoying to read freakishly long blog posts.  So I will write again soon! 

Monday, January 9, 2012


Mondays are the worst.  
I woke up today SO TIRED.  I have no idea why…I got plenty of sleep this weekend,
 I mean P-L-E-N-T-Y. 
And yet, I wake up exhausted. 
I really don’t want to go to my nine o’clock class, but I do, even though I’m running seriously late (because when I woke up exhausted to the sound of my alarm, I might have hit the snooze button 7 times twice) anyways...
  I’m running out of the house and I realize once I get to class that I forgot to pack any food and my stomach makes it clear to myself and everyone around me that it has been forgotten and needs to be fed. Seriously stomach? 
So since I’m on campus all day from 9-5, I realize that I am going to starve unless I get some nourishment into this unhappy stomach of mine.  So after class I go get a smoothie…definitely not worth the $4.35 that I paid, but whatever. 
On the way up to my next class, I see a very attractive man and keep staring, cause that’s what I do…I cant help it, I know it’s a terribly bad habit that makes me a creeper, but whatever.  
Anyways, since I’m staring, I don’t notice where I’m walking and the moment I don’t notice where I’m walking, something bad ALWAYS happens. (I am the clumsiest person you will ever meet.) So…my heel gets stuck in a crack and my shoe comes completely OFF. Bahahaha! It was so funny, I couldn’t help but laugh at myself, I seriously looked like an idiot.
  Well, I finally get to class and then I think about what a terrible day this has started off to be and then an attractive dude starts up a conversation with me about the Dobby decal I have on the front of my computer and then we just have delightful little conversation but then what do I see? 
Something shiny on the attractive man's left hand ring finger.
 Son of a...He's married? Are you kidding me? 
This day sucks!
 But then the attractive man asks me where Im from and I say Alabama and then I remembered…


Tonight is gonna be Epic!  Were having a game-watching party with lots of delicious food and it suddenly makes this terrible Monday worth it. 
I just gotta make it to 5 o’clock.
  Hopefully we will be having some other attractive men like the type I mentioned earlier at this party as well ;-) 
Happy Monday!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Remember Me?

Oh hey guys...remember that time when I used to write on my blog? Well I do.
It was like 5 months ago. Boo. Im a terrible person, I know.
Dont hate me.
Anyways, I figure since its a new year, Im gonna start writing again. I am.

I think I will start with my New Years Resolutions. Yes, I realize that its January 5th and I should have posted this a few days ago but school just started again so I haven't had the time. 
So here goes...

1. Get down to my goal weight. I  am determined to do that this year. Its gonna happen.
That means less cookies...

and more veggies...

I can do it!

2. Read my scriptures and attend the temple more.  This is difficult for me just because I tend to think its not necessary but in all actuality it is necessary for my spiritual growth.

3. Take more pictures.  I suck at taking pictures, but this year I will do better.  My sister takes pics all the time and she inspired me to do better at it.  Especially since these are the best times of my life.  I need to have hard copies of these memories! 

4. Write on this blog more! Seriously, what is wrong with me? I like writing on here, I just think that I don't have enough time.

5. Get straight A's.  End of story.

6. I want to cook a new dish every week of this year and document it and put it on here. I need to practice my cooking skills and I need to branch out from the things I always eat.

7. Go on a Vacation.  I don't even care where to.  Maybe a girls trip on a cruise? Yes, that would be great.

8. Exercise at least 4 times a week. This needs to happen in order for number 9 to be able to happen.

9. Run a half marathon.  My roommate Beth and I are planning on running in The Teton Dam Marathon in June, but were only gonna do the half marathon and not the whole.  Were determined, also because some people don't think we can do it. Were gonna show them.

10. Save more money.  This is a problem for me.  When I get money I just want to spend it.  Its terrible.  It sucks even more when I have barely any yeah.  SAVE! Also, I want to be able to go to the REAL set of the Harry Potter movies in epic would that be? Pretty darn if you ask me.

Well thats all I have for you for now.  I have got to go do some homework, but hopefully I will get the chance to write again tomorrow! See ya!