
Thursday, December 2, 2010

So much has happened...

So, like the title says, so much has happened since I last wrote, and I am sorry that I haven't been able to write, I don't have access to a computer very often down here, so when I get the chance I write.  Also since there have only five of us for about two weeks, we are struggling.  Usually we go to bed at nine o'clock every night because we are exhausted!  Tomorrow we go down to four volunteers, which should be way interesting... But anyways, since I last wrote, we have been to Otavolo, we saw Harry Potter 7, and we had Thanksgiving, all of which have been eventful.

Otavolo is the biggest outdoor market in South America and we got to go! It was so sweet too! There were so many stands selling so many things, it was ridiculous.  I really cant explain to you in words how wonderful it was so I'm just gonna show you in pictures.

Cool huh?  We spent all kinds of money there, but luckily we got our Christmas shopping done!  Another place we went while down there was called The Pie Shop.  Let me just tell you, I have tasted heaven, and if all of heaven is that great, then I don't know what I'm doing here.  They have awesome sandwiches, but its sure not called the pie shop because of their sandwiches.  We tried their apple and chocolate pies.  The apple was good, but the chocolate was.... well there isn't a good enough word to describe the chocolate pie.  Just Heaven.  In my whole life, I have never and probably never will have another pie that tastes as good as that one.  I would come back to Ecuador just to have some of that pie...oh and to see my babies, that probably should be reversed, but thats how good it was.

Us enjoying the pie.
Another thing that we did, we saw Harry Potter 7, and...It.Was.Awesome. Need I say more?  Ok I will, I laughed, I cried, I was scared and I was happy.  For the most part, I cant wait til the last half comes out! The only thing is, I don't want it to end! Aaah! What will I do with myself?!  I cant' believe that ten years have come and gone that the first movie came out and I saw it with my mom and my cousin, when I was eleven years old, the night it came out and then again the next day.  Incredible.

The last thing I have to write about is Thanksgiving and how we celebrated here in Ecuador.  As you may know, Ecuadorians don't celebrate Thanksgiving, I believe only Americans and Canadians celebrate it, but don't you fret, we had an American Thanksgiving with our Ecuadorian family.  The Chicaizas cooked the turkey and it was off the chain! It was so good! We also indulged in, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, homemade rolls, a green salad, pumpkin pie, pumpkin roll, and apple pie.  We didn't eat until about eight o'clock that night because we still went to work in the orphanages even though it was Thanksgiving, but that was why it was so rewarding in the end.  Also, you should be impressed because I HOMEMADE the pie crusts, my mom doesn't even do that, even though I assure you she can because my mom can make anything delicious, just ask my dad.  Now I wouldn't have resorted to this, had they sold them at the Supermaxi, but they don't, so I made them with my own two hands.  They turned out delectable!  I wish I had a pic to show you, but I don't, sorry.  That was my thanksgiving in Ecuador, it was awesome.  I missed my family in the states like a fat kid misses cake.  It was my first thanksgiving not at home with my fam, so it was hard but Im so glad I was here in Ecuador, because I still got to be with people I love, my babies. 

Well I have to go, but stay tuned til next time, when I will be writing about the bull fight I will be attending tomorrow and another field trip.  I Love Yall! Chao!

1 comment:

  1. Sara this blog is AWESOME! i love reading about your time there! stay safe! we all miss you love you!
