
Monday, November 15, 2010

LAS Fieldtrip

So its been about two weeks since I've written, but dont worry, I have a good reason, its because we are really short on volunteers and I haven't had much time to do much else, so yeah, here I am now.  Also, I dont know when the next time I will be able to post is, because, when I do my blog is when my roommates are at night shift and since we are cutting those this week, due to the lack of volunteers, they will all be home so, yeah, it just depends on when they are willing to let me use their computers, Im just warning you. 

So this last Friday, we got to take some of the older kids at LAS on a field trip and we went to a park called La Carolina. And guess what we did? Paddleboating. Be Jealous.  It was way too much fun, let me just tell you.  There were two volunteers in a boat and then two kids, and they sat on our laps and let me tell you, we got a leg workout...But it was so worth it, although I know the kids enjoyed it, I think they enjoyed the candy that we were giving them more.  After we paddleboated we fed them lunch, which consisted of pan (bread), yogurt, crackers, and whatever else we brought for them. We each were in charge of a different kid and I had Jorge, and he ate almost all of my candy, which was ok with me, because he treated me like his best friend :-) It was awesome. We only got to hang out with them for a couple of hours, but it made them so happy, so it was definitely worth it.

In other news, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, comes out Friday!  Im so excited! And the other good news is that the new Josh Groban CD is now available, and it is awesome, as expected.  Oh man, life is awesome isnt it?  Miss you and love you!

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