
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ecuador and the Jonas Brothers

Yes.  I have seen The Jonas Brothers.  THEY WERE AWESOME!  There were so many people there too.  We were so amazed that that many Ecuadorians like The Jonas Brothers.  They even would sing along in ENGLISH.  We had so much fun.  We made shirts that said We Love Jonas Bros with a sweet techniques that I learned from my sister.  We jumped around and sang all night long and people kept staring at us but as my friend likes to say, "Were white, we can get away with anything."  So it was ok that we looked white because were gringas.  Since we paid $35 bucks for our tickets and not $100, we had to stand on the ground in the back, so we didn't get great pics, but since I have a super sweet camera I had a great zoom and I was able to take multiple shots at once (Thank you Dad for always finding the best electronics before letting us spend our money on them, or your money for that matter).  So in the end I did get some pretty sweet pics.  Basically we had an unforgettable night :)

Last Friday we went to Teleferiqo, which is basically just a place you can ride gondolas up a huge mountain and see the view of the city from way up high and it was breathtaking, literally.  When we got up there and had to hike some more and all of us were about dying by the time we finished especially being in 9,200 feet altitude.  Talk about ridiculous. Man. It was worth it though.  Take a look.

So until next time...Chao!  I miss you all so very much but I am having the time of my life.  Love you!

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