
Friday, December 31, 2010

My last post in Ecuador.

So this is going to be my last post in Ecuador, how sad is that?  That means that I am leaving in four days and they will be some of the saddest and happiest days of my life.  Gees, I don't want to leave my beautiful babies and this beautiful country and all of the friends I have made.  I wanna live here forever and adopt all of my babies so that I don't have to live a day without them.  When I go back to the states, I'm starting back at school which should be fun to see my friends, but I also think its gonna be hard adjusting back to real life and its gonna be hard to not miss my babies.

So anyways, enough of the sad stuff.  So since the last time I wrote, I have had some wonderful adventures, absolutely wonderful.  We had Christmas down here and on Christmas Eve, we went to some of our sites and we gave them Christmas gifts that we had purchased with some of the donation money.  We also had a family come down from Minnesota that brought a whole bunch of toys and so we were able to give them those too.  The sites we went to were, TA, which is an orphanage for children that have been taken from abusive homes.  We went to a boys orphanage way out by the Equator, and lastly we went to Casa H, which is another orphanage near the boys.  We dont usually go to these but since it was Christmas we decided that we should.  We also had presents for LAS and our special kids but we weren't able to make it to those sites on Christmas Eve so we gave them theirs on a different day.  It was so wonderful giving gifts to these children who dont have anything, and it was so sad to not be able to afford a gift for every child.  I decided that when I become famous, that ever orphan in the whole world will get a Christmas present.  It was a very emotional day but I so grateful that I got to experience it.

  So yeah that was Christmas and it was awesome!  The other adventure that happened this week was...we went to the BEACH!  We drove up early monday morning and came back tuesday night, and it was so much fun.  The beach we went to is called Atacames and it was so pretty.  Here are some pics from the trip.

Our hotel

So the men down there, all walk around with their shirts like this...

 So that was our beach trip, it was just so much fun.  We wanted to stay longer but our babies needed us to come back.  Tonight is New Years Eve and they have some crazy traditions that I will write about later and post pics, so look forward to that!  Next time I write, Ill be back in the states, so see you soon! Chao!


  1. Dang I wish I was there. I bet the SL kids (well I guess all the kids) had a blast. The beach looks awesome. I miss you all so much. Jump a little extra high over the doll for me.

  2. Um Sara in case you didn't know this I miss you. Alot. I'm glad you were here to go to the beach with me and to spend Christmas with. And um you should probably come back and help me through my last 2 weeks. What say you?!

  3. Oh man I so wish I could come back, because I would in a heartbeat.
